I especially love when she gets sooo angry at dad that she curse him in creole and dad just sits down looking scared and worried as firstly he doesn't understand creole so well, just a few phrases, (they don't have problems communicating on a whole thou as my mother also speaks Standard English) and secondly you do not want to be on the receiving end of an angry black woman wrath believe me, I should know as it was because of her wrath that got me stop misbehaving early as a child.

Don't get me wrong, my mom never abuse me or anything. Just a few spanks here and there when I was younger, nothing to leave marks on my skin thou. What got me stop misbehaving early was the face my mom would make when she got angry. I'm telling you she didn't have to touch me and I would just start crying, maybe that was why she told dad to take over disciplining me when I misbehaved. She must have picked up that I was scared and so gave dad the role instead. As a child thou I saw that because I was drawing away from her too, that I was making her sad and cry all the time, so I decided that if I behaved better my mom would be happy again and I of course wouldn't have to be on the receiving end of her wrath.

Looking back, I now realized that when I was drawing away from mom, it was like she changed her approach towards me, so even when I decided to start behaving better, there were still times I slipped up and instead of spanking me or sending dad to talk to me, she just hugged me and bought me ice cream .But I sure enjoyed it when she was cursing dad thou, I would laugh so hard I'd start wheezing. Those where the good times before the accident when I was capable of showing emotions, now I want to show my parents most times that I love them but its like my brain don't want to register what my heart is trying to tell it, so I just write them a note instead.

Dad usually gets out of these situations by seducing mom, I guess being married for 25 years he knows her more than she knows herself. I usually just excuse myself when he starts giving her the look, no way in hell I want to see what happens next.

Yep I'm proud to say even thou I love both my parents equally, I'm definitely a Mommy's girl.

"Mi a come" oh yea, I might have learned a little creole from my mom too.

I quickly ran downstairs, washed my hands at the kitchen sink then joined my parents at the table. We said grace then dug in. Today we were having jerked pork, roast breadfruit, fried chicken, Alfredo pasta and mango juice. I'm telling you I just gotta love my mom cooking. She never disappoints.

After dinner we all washed the dishes. Mom washing, dad rinsing and I am putting them to their respective cupboards. When we were finish we wished each other a good night then went to bed.

********************next day

Shutting off my alarm, i quickly got ready for school. I just hoped today that people would actually leave me the hell alone, I don't know but today is just one of those days that I wake up just feeling irritated at the world and even the smallest of things would make me snap.

Must be my period coming.

After getting dress, packing my school bag and trying for the life of me to comb out my hair, I just give up and go for just putting it in a messy bun. There's no one I'm trying to impress anyways. I ran downstairs ate two slices of buttered toast and drank some orange juice. I kissed my parents goodbye then got on my bike heading to school.

Reaching to school I went straight to my locker ignoring everyone. Judging by everyone stares I guess they still didn't move on from what went down yesterday.

"Just great" I mumbled. As I'm about to close my locker I felt like someone was creeping up on me. I quickly turned and swung my fist in the persons throat, but not with too much force. I didn't want to kill whoever the fool was.

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