Dark Side of the Moon: Part Two

Start from the beginning

"Really?" Sam asked surprisingly.

"What? You don't?" you wondered.

"No, uh. I'm just surprised you do. Last time I checked you wanted to break God's nose, now you think he can help?"

"He's the only one who can. I mean, come on, Sam. We are royally boned. So prayer? The last hope of a desperate man," Dean shrugged.

"It's either kill or be killed at this point, and we're kind of already dead," you pointed out.

The family was still eating the same fucking plate of food, so you three started to leave the house. However, when you opened the door, there was nothing but trees surrounding the house. Nothing but trees to replace the road that was supposed to be there.

"Wasn't there a street out here?" Sam asked.

"There was."

"We have to find a road somewhere," you shrugged, going back inside the house.

As soon as you did, you began trying to look for it. Dean began to do the same kind of thing, but Sam watched with a confused eye.

"You," Dean opens the closet door underneath the stairs, "you think the road is in a closet?"

"We're in Heaven, Sam, okay?" he turned on the light. "I mean, our memories are coming true. Cas is on TV. Finding a road in a closet would be pretty much the most normal thing to happen to us today."

You and Dean looked down to see the same exact thing on the floor. It was a small Hot Wheels set that Dean used to have when he was a kid. He bends down and picks up the small blue car to inspect it.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"I used to have one of these when I was a kid," he muttered, placing the car on the track and flung it in motion.

Your surroundings immediately began to change, and you three were suddenly in a child's bedroom. More than just the scenery has changed because Dean's clothing had changed into a t-shirt that reads "I wuv hugs", a flannel button up, and sneakers with one shoe untied. Both you and Sam were in your normal hunting clothes.

"That was the road?" Sam asked.

"I guess."

"Where the hell are we?" you asked.

"Kind of trippy, right?" Dean chuckled.

"Yeah," Sam peeks at his brother's shirt. "More trippy. Um, apparently, you 'wuv hugs'."

"Shut up," he grumbled, covering his shirt with the flannel button-up. Sam laughed at his brother's discomfort until he began to recognize the room you three were in. "Wait a minute. I know where we are."


"We're home," he whispered.


Mary's voice filtered into the room from the hallway. All three of you turned to the doorway to see a young Mary in a white dress. She wasn't as young as when you met her for the first time, but she wasn't as old as she looked in the pictures Dean secretly kept.

"Hey, Dean. You hungry?" she asked with a smile.

It seemed as if the brothers didn't know what to do, especially Dean. Mary didn't wait for an answer as she left out of sight. The brothers couldn't help but flock after her in curiosity. If they were seeing their mother, then where was yours? Why was the only thing you were seeing was an unborn child? Was Amara trying to guilt you into having another child so she can have another vessel in case you died? Like you did now?

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