"I know John. I will explain when we get back to 221B."

John softly nodded.

They got to - go cups and swiftly left the bustling eatery. They walked towards the street, waiting for a cab. But the street was completely empty except for a few stray cars, buzzing around.

" It's not a long walk. It'll take about 20 minutes."

"Okay" John replied

The Styrofoam cups warmed their hands. The night sky was beautiful, glittering, overflowing with stars and space. They slowly walked, Sherlock's black coat lightly flying behind them.

" Sherlock, please tell me about the photo."

It was something about John's voice that made Sherlock give in. A certain weakness, a sorrow. Giving up. John rarely showed weakness so he thought it was best to get it over with.

"It made me laugh."

" What?"

John didn't expect something so simple.

" You heard me. You must keep it between us John, you mustn't tell a soul. Can I trust you?"

" It made you smile?"

"I'm rarely sentimental, I didn't want you to see me weak."

" Sentiment isn't a weakness Sher-"

" Sentiment is a mere chemical defect. I view it as a weakness and that's why I lied to you. Can I trust you?"

John smiled. Usually someone wouldn't want people to know about their affairs or their time in jail but... Sherlock Holmes wanted to keep his care a secret. The irony.

"Of course you can."

There was a comfortable silence between them until Sherlock's baritone voice...

" Tell me what made you upset earlier."

" I don't want to talk about it."

" John, I quite possibly told you one of the most embarrassing secrets I have ever told another human being, speak."

John sighed. " Well, I was just thinking about that day when you decide that I'm not good enough anymore and let me go and-"

Sherlock jolted to a stop and grabbed his shoulders and faced him towards Sherlock. They had a direct gaze, only about 5 inches apart, it made John nervous, he could feel Sherlock's warm, lovely breath on his face. He was staring into his eyes, afraid of what he would say.

"John. You are mistaken. You are the most important person on my list. My "best man". You are vital to my cases and myself. You look at yourself like you're not good enough and your wrong. John, you are too good for me. Never forget that."

John turned his face away again and looked downwards. Sherlock felt confused. Aren't I doing everything right? No, he didn't believe me, why doesn't he believe me? I need to do something else, something drastic, something that can't be a lie, someth-

He knew, what he had to do. Oh, god it was going to be hard but he would do it. Only for John.

One second John was staring into his gemstone eyes, the next he felt familiar arms wrapping around him, holding him tightly against a familiar man. John gasped in surprise, what had come over Sherlock?

When Sherlock held John close he didn't feel like he made a mistake, or that he would regret it later. John was warm and soft and Sherlock didn't mind holding him like this, it was actually rather... comfortable... John had been rigid at first but he quickly sank into the embrace, just as he has expected.

Sherlock's coat was warm and soft, his hair smelled like... blackberries? Blackberries and old books. John hugged him tighter. Then he felt hot breath oh his ear, causing him to shiver. "Why did I shiver?" He thought. He was completely warm. "John" He whispered. " I'm sorry I ever made you felt unwanted"

John was so close to him, so...so warm... It wasn't unrealistic where there were fireworks or cheering it was just...John. But then he felt hot breath in his ear and he froze. "I forgive you." Sherlock smiled wide and pulled away. " I'm glad we've reached an understanding. Let's go back to Baker Street."

The two friends walked back feeling warm in their chests and had big stupid grins on their faces. They giggled about little things, they would observe people and compete to see who was more right. Sherlock won every time of course.

When they got back to the apartment they went inside and Sherlock plopped down into his chair. "John, how does horrible television sound to you?"

John smiled. "That actually sounds good Sherlock."

"Clue" was on TV, and Sherlock watched as John tried to figure out who had done it. He actually enjoyed watching him deduce. He was a clever man, he figured out that it was Miss Scarlet. But what he didn't know is that there could have been two other theories which was revealed in the end. To be polite he never said a word. During the movie they had been playing Chess on the floor, they flipped the board sideways so they sat next to each other. It was more unconscious than anything. Sherlock was about to congratulate John for being somewhat correct when he noticed the smaller man's head resting on his shoulder. Slow deep breathing. He is asleep. Sherlock pulled John closer to him with his free arm and held him there.

Sherlock knew one thing for sure as he held him close. He could never lose John.

A Photo Of Johnحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن