Poetic Justice ₪ III

Start from the beginning

"What's up?" I said casually walking in getting my clothes out the dresser.

She laughed. "Nigga please don't say shit to me right now! What's up? Really though? That's all the shit you can say to me right now?"

I was tempted not saying anything but once Brielle and I get started, it's pretty damn hard to stop. That's just how it's always been between us, nether one of us can back down from an argument.

I smirked, "I just asked you a simple question."

She smirked shaking her head. "You don't understand how hard it is to not bust you in your lip right now."

"If that's how you were feelin', you would've done it by now." I said

"Please don't get smart with me, I am not in the mood. You are real wrong for what you did today. I hope the bitch was worth it."

"Pause, first of all I didn't sleep with her."

"Nigga do I look like Boo Boo the Damn Fool to you? You're lying! You dickhead you were still wearing the same clothes from yesterday. You came here with her, I know your ass was with her last night!"

"I ain't sleep with her ass though, why are you trippin? I told you once already I didn't touch her!"

"This isn't about me, it's about Mijo! And I'm fucking trippin' because I care. When I stop trippin' you'll care, when I stop caring nigga don't trip!"

I laughed shaking my head. "You are something else right now I'm telling you. So is this conversation done yet?"

I pushed a button with that because she crawled over to me and began hitting me, I wasn't even dressed yet I still had on my towel. I blocked her hits holding up my arm but then pushed her back and laid on top of her laughing.

"Fuck off of me, I'm not laughing Chris!"

"Calm down first," I continued to laugh.

I smiled looking her in the eyes, she finally broke out of her anger and laughed a little too. "I swear you make me so damn mad sometimes."

"You really wildin' right now over nothing," I smiled,

"Would it be nothing if I just showed up wearing the same clothes you seen me wear last night? While I was with some dude bringing him to Mijo's party?"

"You always have to compare it that way, when you already know what I'm going to think."

"Exactly so if I do something like that and you know it's going to piss you off. Why would you do it to me? I'm not even mad that you did that blatantly rude shit to me, I'm mad you did it to Mijo.

I laid my head on her chest. "I know, I'm sorry."

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me, you should be apologizing to him."

"He's taken care of. Also for the record, can you stop going I'm Every Woman on me every time you get mad at me? There are other ways to get my attention without you blowing up at me all the damn time."

"If I didn't yell at you the way I do nothing would get accomplished and we both know that. Who else is going to keep that ass in line."

I laughed as I kissed her cheek, "Whatever you say."

She laughed "That's right, whatever I say let's keep it that way."

"You talking crazy now," I said as I began tickling her.

She wiggled and giggled as I endlessly tickled her rib cage. To get free she tried pushing my hands off, but it was no use I was stronger than her. Once I stopped, her laughter slowly faded.

"Why do you always do this to me?" She smiled.

"Do what?"

"Make me so damn mad that I can't breathe. Then you always find a way to make me smile in the end. I hate that shit!"

I laughed rolling her on top of me. "Aweeee, it's all cause you love me."

Brielle laughed resting her head on my chest, she looked me in the eye. "No I don't, actually you starting to burn my nerves up."

"Nah, you love me." I smirked

She laughed lightly, "I'll let you think that for now."

This is it right now this is the last time I'm going through this, I'll tough it out to see if this is really what I want. if not then I got to let her know. It's not that I don't want Brielle, I do want her it's just that I feel like I'm  not ready to be tied down to one person yet. Obviously she feels the same, otherwise she wouldn't be putting it out there that she could be doing her own thing with somebody else. Maybe if Mijo wasn't in the picture things would be different, we could be together exclusively but with him it makes it hard, since he's the root of our decisions.

I don't want him to grow up and find out that I played his mom out. It's not in me to hurt Brielle like that. I love her but right now I don't think it's enough for me to change my life. If I still feel like I can't hold through with my promises, then I got to let her go. Then she can gladly get with whoever she wants, until then she's mine and nobody else's. Deep down inside I know for a while I won't be happy about that, but ain't shit I can do about it.

"So are you going to do something with this dick tonight, because you teasing me right now laying here in this towel." Brielle smiled biting her lip.

I laughed, "Feenin' for it I see."

She laughed "And tonight, I'm in charge."

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