Poetic Justice ₪ XXXVI

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Last Valentines Day wasn't as romantic as I hoped it would be, Chris bought some cheap flowers, spent half the day at the studio, then we had sex. It's the thought that counts but Valentines day is the one day out of the year where men are forced to show women they love them, frankly I think you should show me you love me 365 days of the year as I should you. But it was the beginning of confusion, that day only made it clear I wasn't serious to him. This year I hope goes differently, I don't want to just have sex. Do something romantic, put some real emotions behind it and some truth and I'll be happy.

"Good morning beautiful," Chris said coming in the room waking me up with a breakfast in bed. I was prepared for this so I made sure I look good.

"Heart shaped pancakes, they look too perfect what store did you buy these from?" I smiled.

"I made them myself no lie."

"Thank you Chef Boy O.G," I smiled cutting into my pancakes.

I'm not the only one receiving today, of course Chris is getting something. But he'll receive that later in the night, I got him something too.

"When you finish get dress, I'm taking you somewhere wear something cute."

"Yes daddy," I smiled.

Chris and I rode out in my Lamborghini, it's the first time I drove in it since we've been back together. Forgot how much I love this thing, we pulled up in front of this photography studio. Surprisingly I walked in to see Mijo with Chris's mom.

"Hi baby what are you going here?" I smiled seeing my little man run to me.

"Chris told us to meet you guys here," his mom said.

Chris set up a photoshoot for us to take family pictures with Mijo, then I had to take off my clothes leaving me standing in a long fitted t-shirt. Had to wear long socks while the photographer took pictures of Chris and Mijo putting his hand on my stomach. Also got pictures of Mijo painting my belly, meant a lot to me to see Mijo liking this too. Ms. Hawkins took Mijo back with her while Chris and I went shopping together.

"We probably shouldn't have came, it's a big ass crowd out there I don't want you to get hurt."

"Screw them, I'll be okay."

"There is no back way to this store."

"You go first, they won't touch me."

"It's a mob out there, I don't know if I want to risk that."

"Trust me."

"We'll go together," Chris said grabbing held of my hand.

Once we got to the entrance Chris put his hand on my waist and the other in front of my belly. Nobody could touch or bump into me I thought it was cute how concerned he was, we made it out fine. He bought me this necklace and said it was for tonight, when we came home he did the laundry and rubbed my feet.

"So these are the final options if everything goes as planned. If it's a boy maybe Alonzo Marquees Brown, Lorenz or Maurice Christopher Brown or Caeden Milano Brown."

"Why Keeis's name in one of them?"

"Cause if it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be on this couch right now."

"I like all of those but what if it's a girl?"

"Maybe Neaveah Joyce Brown, Riyah Tiana Brown, or Nyah Crystal Brown. Actually scratch that, Riyah sounds too close to Rihanna we are not naming her anything close to your ex bitches!"

"That last one is cute."

"I like that one too, wait here I want to give you something."

Valentines day shouldn't just be about women, I want to celebrate my man too.

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