Sahara let him get things off his chest, listening in silence.

"My once loving parents had a..." he paused, searching for the word. "Fallout," he settled on it. "Things at home became unbearable." A pair of boarders shot by quite close. Neither teen even flinched. "Just like that, my once blissful life turned into anything but that. The fights escalated and soon I dreaded going home." Night clenched his fists. "My mother tried so hard to shield me from it all...but you can't hide much when you have a screaming match at 2 am and your child is in the room next door."

Sahara's forehead furrowed. On one hand, she felt sympathy, on the other, she couldn't relate at all. Did my parents fight? She wondered. Is that why they gave me up? The blurry figure in the rain was the only image she had.

"I'm sorry," she offered what sympathy she could. "It couldn't have been easy to witness that as a child."

Night's eyes shifted to her. "They tried to make it work...for my sake." His eyes darkened. "They aren't the ones to blame."

Something told Sahara there was more meaning behind those words, but she didn't push. " did you end up in Lithium?" she ventured.

Night's lips curled.

Laughter echoed from a group hanging outside a shop they passed.

"That's where I have WIS to thank." He sounded anything but that. "Actually..." he paused, lowering his voice. "I was on one of the shuttles that escaped during the outbreak."

This time, it was Sahara's steps that faltered. Her eyes darted to Night who was looking straight ahead. I'm pretty sure if others knew their attitude to him would be similar to that of Lithium, she thought, then why...why would he share a secret like that?

As though sensing her questions, Night turned to meet her eyes. "I doubt you'd tell," he said calmly. "You seem like the type to hold secrets pretty offense, but like the stupid type."

Sahara rolled her eyes at the comment.

It made a smile tug at the edge of Night's lips. "We almost there?" he asked.

Taking in their surroundings, the fifth omega shook her head.

A sigh escaped from Night as they steadily continued on their path. Though boardless, the teens didn't look out of place. Many others who were awake and about didn't carry their boards on them. That didn't mean they didn't have them nearby. Those who were working in various areas to keep the city running were more focused on getting their tasks done than boarding. With another bunch actually going to the schools under the agreement reached, that left a smaller number free to roam around on their boards during the day. That was...unless you went to a cluster like the one Sahara and Orion had gone to earlier.

"To be more precise, my mother and I."

Sahara blinked as Night's words dragged her attention back to his story.

"On the shuttle," the boy explained.

"Ah. Then your father..." Sahara said the words before thinking. She instantly wanted to kick herself in the teeth.

"He wasn't dead," Night calmly replied. "We were meant to leave altogether. My parents...they They were actually reconciling. Things were getting better before the virus. Almost back to normal." He paused at an open window by a store. "Want something to drink?" he asked.

Sahara could only nod.

A few seconds later Night exchanged points and was handed two bottles containing a green carbonated liquid. He lifted both and shook them. The liquid slowly turned two shades darker. Satisfied, Night handed one over.

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