Chapter 12

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Meanwhile, Newt was losing mind back in the Glade.

He was worried about Emily, and he felt so useless about not being able to be there with her.

I should be the one protecting her. Newt thought.

He didn't even concentrate much on his tasks for the day, but thankfully no one slacked off.

Newt's steps were heavy as he paced back and forth around the Glade, counting the minutes in his mind to the time the Runners should return.

Every two seconds, his eyes would flicker to the entrance of the maze, and he'd zone out for awhile, a million thoughts clouding his mind each time.

"You alright there shank?" Alby asked Newt, but Newt was so out of it he didn't notice Alby approaching.

Newt jumped and whipped around to face Alby.

"Wha... what? Uh... yeah, I-I'm okay.." Newt stuttered, still take aback by Alby's 'sudden' appearance.

Alby furrowed his eyebrows and gave Newt an intent look, but didn't push any further.

"I'm good Alby, I'm good." Newt trailed off as his eyes darted to the entrance of the maze once again.

I'm driving myself bloody insane- and it's only her first day on the job! Newt thought to himself.

Deciding he couldn't stay near the entrance of the maze a moment longer, he took a walk to the deadheads.

He leaned against one of the tall willowy, drooping trees and ruffled his hair, trying to get negative thoughts out of his head.

She'll be fine.

She'll be safe.

She'll come back.

Newt repeated, almost as if he was chanting, these thoughts in his head in a desperate attempt to overpower the dark, negative thoughts.

The loud roar of the stone walls shook Newt out of his thoughts.

"Emily" He whispered as he whipped his head up suddenly.

His eyes widened and he quickly got up on his feet.

Stumbling a little, Newt hobbled and ran - as best as he could with his limp back to the Glade.

The stone walls were now fully open as Newt stood at the entrance, watching the space intently.

Gally stepped up beside Newt and started talking louder than necessary to one of his sidekicks.

"Bet you dinner that slinthead Greenie ain't gonna make it back." Gally said, smirking.

His minion sidekick guy just snickered and high-fived Gally, signalling that it was on.

Newt heard it, as Gally intended, and he was fuming.

He was so close to decking Gally in the head and snapping his neck.

But before he could permanently destroy Gally, he heard someone shout his name.

But not just anyone.

It was a specific someone,

A special someone.

"Emily!" Newt yelled, grinning widely at her. His face instantly lit up and relief flooded him.

Emily ran through the entrance and went straight for Newt.

She ran, literally, into his arms, and he welcomed her with a giant hug.

"I was so bloody worried!" Newt exclaimed, relieved that Emily was safe.

"I missed you." She said, staring into his eyes.

It felt like time slowed down.

"I missed you more, more than you can even imagine." Newt whispered the words, as if they were so fragile and could break any second.

Emily slid her hands around his neck and drew him nearer.

Newt cupped her face with his hands and leaned down, planting a kiss on her lips.

They melted into each other, all the worry and built up frustration finally dissolving.

He moved his hand down to her waist, gently caressing the exposed skin on her waist, sending shivers up her spine.

Eventually, the broke apart for air.

Newt leaned his forehead against hers, taking deep breaths.

"I missed you so much." He repeated, still beyond relieved that Emily was well and safe.

"Well aren't you a sappy slinthead!" Minho's teasing voice mocked Newt.

Emily rolled her eyes and pulled away, staring at Minho.

"Thanks for ruining our moment idiot." She said, before bending down to pick up a small rock and lobbing it at Minho's head.

"Hey watch it shank! This face is gold." Minho exclaimed.

Newt chuckled, and beamed down at Emily, pulling her closer to his side.

"That's my crazy shank." Newt grinned,
Before pulling her in for another kiss.

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