Chapter 11

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" Stick close shank, but not too close, else your boyfriend will come after me with a chopper. Man I have a tough life..." Minho instructed Emily and muttered the last bit to himself.

Emily raised an eyebrow at him but didn't say anything. She propped up her backpack and started jogging behind Minho.

As they ran Minho's route, he began to explain how the maze worked, how the walls shifted, how they've been mapping the maze. 

"You seem awfully quiet, no questions?" Minho asked curiously.

Emily just shrugged at him and answered saying, " Still tryna take it all in, and besides, nothing really surprises me anymore. 

After awhile, Emily felt like her legs were going to break off and she was hungrier than a starving tiger.

A loud gurgling sound echoed through the maze, and immediately, Minho grabbed Emily's arm and yanked her towards the walls. They were both side by side, backs pressed up against the wall.

"Oh freaking klunk, did you hear that? Could be a shucking Griever."

Emily panicked for a moment, but when the sound echoed through the maze once more, she sheepishly grinned at MInho.

"Uh... yeah, maybe there's a Griever in my tummy..?" Emily said, awkwardly laughing to herself.

Minho stared at her with wide eyes. 

"That was you?" He asked, mouth ajar.

Emily rolled her eyes at him, brushing off his comment.

"Oh shut your mouth shank, you're not trying to fit anything in right now." 

Minho looked extremely taken aback, then broke out into a smirk.

"You're not too bad shank, not too bad at all.." He said, as he smiled to himself. 

Emily grinned back at him, and they decided it was time for lunch.

"Don't want Griever's to be attracted to your mating call now." Minho joked, and Emily playfully pushed him off to the side.

Eventually, they found a suitable place to rest and eat.

Emily unwrapped the sandwhiches they had packed earlier on and she happily munched on her tuna sandwhich, moaning in glee at the first bite.

"Food has never tasted better!" Emily half-yelled, and quickly went back to devouring her sanwhich.

MInho looked at her in amusement, and shook his head at her. He knew she was different, maybe it was because she was a girl, but there's definitely something about her that just...pulled people in. 

No wonder Newt is head over heels for her. Minho thought to himself. 

"So.. you and Newt huh?" Minho probed, partly wanting to tease her, but also because he was curious. Newt was always slightly detached and in his own world. He never really showed his true self around the Gladers. Minho and Thomas were some of the few people that were able to break through his shell, and even that took time,

"What about?"  Emily asked.

"You two shanks dating or something?" 

"DATING? Well first off, where on earth could we get some pirvacy for a date in the Glade? and secondly, what makes you think we like each other?" 

Minho rolled his eyes, obviously not buying her act.

"Oh please, you two are all over each other, I would be surprised if you two hadn't already shucked by now." 

Emily looked completely shocked, and her face began to redden.

"YOU! Don't make me throw this at you! We did nothing of the sort!" Emliy lunged towards him, threatening to lob Minho with her sandwhich, or rather what was left of it.

"Calm down shank, just kidding. Besides, I bet you wouldn't waste that precious food of yours." Minho smirked, feeling victorious at getting such a hilarious reaction out of her.

"You're right, I wouldn't waste it on a slinthead like you." Emily retorted and finished off the last bit of her sandwhich.

"ooh fiesty.." MInho muttered to himself. 


A/N HELLO! i know, i know, this isn't a Newt scene but still... hope you liked it, especially those Minho-fans out there! :) 

Don't worry! there'll be more Nemily scenes to come ;) but meanhwhile, if you liked this chapter, do comment and vote!^^

lots of love :D

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