Stampy winced seeing the crash and quickly ran back to help him. "Come on!" He cried, trying to pull him up.

The blaze creature grew nearer, the noises it was making growing louder and more desperate sounding.

Stampy started to panic as he tried to get Quentin up.

Quentin only got up onto his hands and knees before falling back down. His entire body was shaking at this point. This combined with the fact that he could barely even move his body beforehand made the mudkip feel like there was no way he would be able to get back up.

Stampy glanced back at the creature who was rapidly gaining on them and awkwardly scooped Quentin off the ground then tried to stand back up, struggling a bit. He glanced back at the creature.

The humanoid figure who hovered above the ground, looked normalish except for the bright red glow from its whole body which was only dulled from the skin. Its eyes are glowing and its cheeks were charred from tear stains, with traces of obsidian.

Its veins glowed the brightest, its hair was charred, and parts of its skin had cracked or been cut and it bled lava, leaving drips of obsidian behind after it cools on the ground. Some of the injuries had been "healed" by sealing up with obsidian.

The creature screeched as it grew about 15 feet away from them, "HeLp... Me... PlEaSe!!" Its voice was highly distorted and the words that could be made out sent chills down Stampy's spine as he finally got too his feet and started running.

It continued to screech, now that Stampy heard it he couldn't unhear its desperate and soul chilling cries for help.

"HeLp... Me... LoSt... WhErE... aM-" its cries were cut off by a painful screech from it and it stopped its chase as it squirmed in pain. "PlEaSe! No MoRe! No MoRe! HuRt! StOp! MaKe StOp!" It screamed.

Stampy's ears pressed against his head and despite better judgement glanced back to see the creature had collapsed to the floor, lava pooling around it from several fresh looking wounds, smaller streams of lava pouring down its face. "WaNt...No... HuRt!" it was still squirming in agony but was appearing to grow tired. "WaNt... PeAcE... WaNt... FrIeNdS.... want...FaMiLy... want..." it slumped over about to collapse. "Want... home...."

Stampy watched, frozen in horror as it collapsed in the pool of liquid lava that still flowed from it and passed out.

Quentin continued to shake in Stampy's arms, his eyes wide. Despite the fact that the creature had just been chasing them, Quentin felt sorry for it. It's horrid state, it's cries for help, he felt like he'd been there before but couldn't remember. Eventually the sight became too much for the mudkip and he buried his face into Stampy's chest.

Stampy turned his gaze away at the movement and looked down at Quentin. He was shaking and in shock, still processing what had happened. He glanced back again, frowning at little, sad that he couldn't help at all due to the pooling bubbling lava and the risk of getting hurt. He felt terrible but turned away and moved on with Quentin in his arms.

Quentin peaked over Stampy's shoulder one last time. He lightly tugged on Stampy's jacket.

Stampy didn't notice at first, his mind just going through the motions, trying to find shelter.

Quentin tugged again.

Stampy stopped and looked at him. "H-hmm???"

Quentin's hand jerked away from his jacket, feeling something strange on the tips of his fingers. When he grabbed onto the others shoulder and pointed behind them he realized: he could feel the cloth of Stampy's jacket for the first time.

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora