Chapter 3

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I was starting to wake but I didn't open my eyes. Instead I squirmed, only to feel every muscle in my body sore. What did I do for my body to be this sore? Then I remembered what happened. My eyes shot open and my body shot up. I looked around only to see I was in a bedroom but everything was huge! I was on a bed in a giant's bedroom. I had been asleep in a giant's bed! And that's when I noticed a giant fast asleep in a chair next to the bed and resting his head on the bed. He looked to be about my age but I wasn't sure honestly. He had messy blonde hair and was wearing a light gray hoodie. I was so confused and terrified, but I knew I had to get out of here before he wakes up!

I quietly and quickly got out of the bed and began to look for my stuff. Then I spotted it, it was across the room on top of a desk. Great.  I walked to the side of the bed and looked down. It had to be at least a 60ft drop. I gulped and began to climb down the bed using the comforter. Every time I grabbed onto the comforter I grabbed on it with my dear life because I knew if I fell I would for sure be dead. I eventually made it to the floor and I ran over to the desk. Luckily it wasn't going to be that hard to get to the top due to the drawer handles. I climbed up as quietly as I could try not to make a single sound. I was about to grab the top of the desk when the giant began to slightly move. I froze for a couple seconds only to see him go back to sleep. I let out a sigh and continued to climb. Once I made it to the top I instantly grabbed my stuff. I opened my backpack and rustled through everything. I found a rope at the bottom of my bag. I didn't have time to climb down the drawer handles because the giant would wake very soon. I swung my bag on to my back and my bow over my head and ran over to the lamp on the desk. I quickly tied the rope to the base of it the threw the rope of the desk. I didn't have time to check if the rope was stable, I just went for it. I slowly started climbing down the rope walking on the side of the desk. I tried not to look down due to my fear of heights. I was almost half way down when I looked up only for my eyes to widen. The rope was breaking. I began to panic trying to get down as quick as I could. But I didn't beat it. The rope suddenly broke causing me to fall to my death. I tried not to let out a scream but one came out right before I hit the floor. I luckily didn't hit my head and I was still alive! Then I heard it.

"Human?! Where are you?!" Said a loud voice.

I was frozen with fear. I had to hide or even run now!  I peaked around the corner of the desk to see the giant looking around the bed. This was my chance! I started to run to the bedroom door with all that I had in me. I was about to exit the room when I turned back to look. I made eye contact with him. We locked contact for a couple seconds before I began to run.

"Wait!" He yelled

I blocked his voice out, I just needed to get out of here! I ran into this room that seemed like a living room. I could hear him running. I panicked and ran under the couch and in to the farthest and darkness corner. I heart was beating extremely fast. I could see his feet walking around the living room. I was trapped.

"You can come out from hiding! Your safe here!" He said in a low voice.

I didn't believe him. My parents had told me to never trust a giant unless you want your life on the line. And mine definitely was but I wasn't going to risk it. Then at that moment I heard multiple other footsteps.

"What are you doing Lucas?" Said a voice from a female

"She kinda tried to escape and now I can't find her but I know she's in this room...." The giant who I'm guessing is Lucas said.

"Well yeah she's gonna hide if you try to chase her!" Said another female voice

"Did you look under the couch dingus?!" Said a male voice

My heart sank at that very moment.

"Ummm.. no but that's a good idea!" Says Lucas

I begin to panic as Lucas walks up to the couch and gets on his knees. He slowly crouched down and look under couch. I locked eyes with him and he gave a warm smile.

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