Chapter 2

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You know how I said last time that falling asleep was the biggest mistake I've ever made? Well I'm right because everything goes downhill now, I think.

I jumped out of my sleep to everything shaking. A tremor. 'No no no no!!' I thought to myself. I quickly and quietly grabbed all of my things except for the blanket which I used to cover myself after I hid behind the couch. 'This can't be happening!' I thought. Then I heard a voice.

"So why are we here in the middle of the night?!" Said a voice yawning.

"Because I'm telling you I saw one!" Said another voice.

They both sounded like voices that belonged to males.

"Why would there be one here? There's nothing left of this place!" Said a third voice, this one sounding like a females.

"Exactly! Because if some humans were smart enough they would come here because no giant would bother looking here!" Said the second voice.

"I don't know Lucas, couldn't we at least have come here when the sun is up?" Said the female

"No! They'll be gone by then! Just use your phone flashlight and look around" said the second voice.

The tremors were getting louder by the second. My heart was racing. Then suddenly I could see the light spreading around the room I was in. Not a single muscle in my body moved.

After a couple seconds the light went away. I let out a faint sigh. I had to leave now! I slowly stood up and took the blanket off. I went to look outside only to be looking straight into a big blue eye. I screamed. An enormous hand suddenly came at me. I began to run only to trip on my blanket. 'No no no no!!' I thought. Then suddenly I was swept off the ground. The giant had used my blanket as a way to carry me by wrapping me in it. I squirmed and screamed.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

Hot tears began to run down my face. I was engulfed in darkness of my blanket in the hands of a giant.

"Did you find one?" Said a voice.

"Yep" said the giant who captured me

I could feel him showing me to the others. My life was over, I had no way of escaping. I swayed back and fourth as the giant walked. Then suddenly I remember. My arrows! I can use them to cut the blanket! I began to squirm to open my bag and pull an arrow out. I instantly began to cut the blanket open only to regret that decision. I began to fall almost 50ft in the air. I let out a scream.

I hit the hard ground only to get right back up. I looked up to see three teenage giants starring at me in shock. I stood up on my feet and pulled out my bow.

"Stand back!" I yelled getting ready to shoot at any moment.

"Whoa! Whoa! We don't wanna hurt you!" Said the giant who captured me as he took a step towards me.

I stepped back and pointed my bow at him.

"Leave me alone!" I yell

He took a step back and looked at me with worry. I was confused. Then suddenly I winced in pain as my vision became blurry and I felt like I was spinning. I could feel my legs give out and I began to fall.

I could slightly see the giants run up to me

"We gotta help her now!" I faintly heard one of them yell

Then the next moment everything was dark.

A/n sorry for such a short chapter! The next one will be longer!

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