"Well...." Allison ran out of any further arguments

Alex smiled "that's what I thought"

she stood proudly of her her win  "Now come on. We have a world to save"

Allison sighed dramatically "Being a teenager in a supernatural world is hard"

Alex nodded "Yeah I hear it effects like 1/3 of the population"

Alex came too quickly, she dropped the shirt as She felt her chest tighten with the thought of that memory.

She took a seat on her bed, her breaths grew heavier and more painfully; the room less stable.

She knew what was happening, clear signs of an occurring anxiety or panic attack.

She had gotten them in France, waking up in cold sweats and tears, but it had been almost 3 weeks since her last and she thought she was getting better.

But of course after a memory came flooding the emotions of the night allison died. The Memory of her pushing Alex out of the way, Taking the sword that was meant for her

After minutes of breathing, she felt her breathing begin to regulate. It was a rare occurrence that she would breathe her way through it.


Alex stood outside the locker room beside Isaac and Scott, waiting for their cue to enter the room. Alex only came hoping to talk to Derek alone, hoping to have found out anything about Kate.

"Are you okay" Scott asked Alex

She looked at him confused "yeah why?"

"You have a scent" he replied

She raised her brows " of what exactly?"


Alex rolled her eyes, "Scott could you not smell me."

God, she hated that ability. She hated it so much"

"is it about stiles?" Isaac asked

"Oh yeah I heard of what happened" Scott nodded

"Did he says much to you, because I don't know what we are right now" she confessed

Growling was heard beyond the door, Scott payed the door open; his eyes landed on his beta who was pinned against the wall by his honorary alpha.

Derek looked at Scott, he dropped the new wolf "You're right. He is angry."

Scott held up Liam's stick "This one's yours."

The bell ran signaling all teenagers to class, Scott ordered his beta, "Get to class"

Liam took his stick and walked out in a huff. Alex couldn't help but sympathize with the freshman, he was so young and probably so scared. 

Alex watched as he walked by, remembering how hard or was for her. Having an ability so powerful with no one to tell is a hard secret to bare alone.

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now