Chapter 15

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Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!

"Alex wake up!" Allison's voice boomed.

Her eyes shot open, she looked around and noticed she wasn't in school anymore. She was in a hospital room, an empty one at that.

She lifted her arm up and seen her veins were back to normal.

The door opened, Alex awaited her fathers worried expression.

However Her breath was taken when her sister walked in.

Her brown hair falling at her shoulders, she wore the same outfit as when she had died.

Alex's eyes filled "ally?"

Allison didn't answer but instead wrapped her arms tightly around Alex.

She sighed "you are okay"

Alex looked at her dumbfounded "How did... what happened?"

"The oni stabbed you" Allison reminded her gently  "We saved stiles, he's okay.. but aiden.. he died"

Alex looked at her sister with furrowed brows, "But.. you.."

"I shot one and you ran over just as the oni pulled out it's sword"  she explained

"This isn't real" She whispered

"Of course it is" Allison smiled 

She stood up "I'm gonna go get a nurse"

"You died" Alex spoke up.

Allison stopped in her tracks, turning back to her sister

"You stood infront of me.. and you died" 

Allison nodded, her smile faded to a cold stare "that's right.. I died Because of you!" She yelled

"I died because of you!"

Alex's eyes fluttered open, the light stinging them. Student surrounded her, gawking at her like she was on display.

Stiles took her hand, helping her sit up.

"What happened?" She asked

Stiles helped her to her feet, quickly sitting her down at a desk "You passed out" 

"How long?" She asked

"About a minute and half" Isaac said.

"I'm okay now"

The door flew open and the male teacher rushed in with ms Martin. She quickly made her way to Alex, examining her for any visible wounds

"Alex are you okay?" She asked

Alex nodded "I eh.. I've been up all night studying. I haven't eaten in about 12 hours, just got a little dizzy"

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now