Chapter 9

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Music pounded loudly throughout the house. Teenagers mixing into different rooms as they took up any space left.

Alex stood on the kitchen downing yet another glass off whatever she could find. Her head began to felt woozy as she dropped the plastic cup on the counter.

Lydia came rushing in. telling off some teenagers for the mess they were making, just as she was about to rush to another Room she spotted Alex slouching in the corner.

Lydia sighed and walked over "how much have you drank"

"Not a lot" she replied. Her words staying separate for the most part

Lydia rolled her eyes "Alex why are you drinking?" She asked.

"Because it's a party and I'm of no use right now"  she answered the banshee "I'm never off any use anymore" she mumbled to herself

Lydia opened her mouth to respond when she heard to sound a glass shattering against the floor, followed by a few cheers "ugh!" She groaned "I'm gonna kill stiles" she stormed out of the room

Alex sniggered to herself, walking to the counter she noticed the half drank bottle of wine.

She grabbed the bottle and brought it to her lips, swallowing a few gulps

"Alex, that's enough" the bottle got pulled away from her grip

She looked to her right and seen Isaac holding her wine "come on it's a party"

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked more angered then Lydia did

"getting drunk" she shrugged

He sighed "Alex, what's going on?" He asked

She looked down, feeling embarrassed "stiles" she muttered

"Okay" he nodded "could you look at me?" He asked

Alex looked up at the Wolf, her eyes coated with tears ready to fall with a blink.

"You gotta tell him how you feel, because if I've learn anything it's that if you don't do it now you might never get the chance to go to again."  He advised, his heart aching as he thought about what could have been with Allison"

"go tell him, tell him you love him because I can't watch this any longer" he insisted

"Okay" she nodded "I'm gonna go tell him"

She turned around, stumbling a little as she felt her head spin.

She took in a breath and Composed herself before walking away to go tell stiles stilinski she loved him.

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now