Chapter 13

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Alex stood in the school hallways, her hands held out as an Emt dressed them to help heal the burns, she knew herself they would heal within hours but with the pain they were in she would have taken any remedies,

"pretty bad burns here, what made you grab the wire?" He asked

"I can live with burnt hands, I can't with a cut throat" she replied dryly,

she was half zoned out. Thinking about the fact that someone almost killed her.

"my father thought me" she added

"That's a good tactic" he nodded

He wrapped the last of bandage around her left land, both hands now covered in a white Cotten bandage.

"If it gets any worse you go to the hospital, the scarring should be minimal on your hands. Since it wasn't on your neck long enough theirs little damage" he explained

"Thanks" Alex smiled politely

She just wanted to get to the pet clinic as fast as possible. Stiles was adamant on staying with her but after much convincing he and Isaac left with Brett, taking him to deaton for some much needed help.

Alex walked away from the emt, thanking god she could finally leave.

She walked by a few players who were eager to get to the locker room, shaking her head she kept going.

Almost to the door, she was beckoned once again "Alex" Noah stilinski called

Alex sighed and turned around "yes"

He walked over to the girl crossing his arms. He looked unimpressed "You know I need a statement"

Alex groaned "come on, I need time to make up a believable story"

"I thought you went to use the bathroom and seen an injured paramedic on the way" he hinted

She nodded "Ah yes and me being me I investigated further, I was attacked by her causing my injuries"

"Is that what you are saying happened?" He asked once again.

"Yes" Alex nodded

"See, it wasn't that hard" he joked

Alex rolled her eyes at her boyfriends father "can I go now please? because your son is alone with three werewolves. That won't end well with his sarcasm"

"You are free to leave" he permitted her


After finally being let free from the school alex had made her way to the clinic, but when she got there Brett was knocked out. She and stiles were sent home, leaving Derek to be with Brett.

Alex had taken a notice to the lines of claw marks on Dereks arm that would have presumably occurred minutes prior, which should have healed. Alex was sent home before she would have taken more notice.

After further investigation Stiles and Alex had found out that parish was on the List of names, for reasons they didn't know.

They also found out from Lydia that the only way to get the third key for the list was from Meredith, who was almost put into a mental breakdown thanks to Lydia.

Deputy parish greeted the three teenagers as they walked into the station, assuming their visit was for Noah.

"Your dad should be back within the hour. You want to wait in his office?" He offered

"Actually, we want to talk to you" Stiles told him

"Privately" lydia added.

He looked at them worried. Nodding to them, they followed him to Noah's office where they would break the harsh news.

𝙑𝘼𝙇𝙐𝙀𝘿 // 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙎𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙠𝙞Where stories live. Discover now