🗝Owning a Rabbien

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Jennie went to her next class which is Life and Nature. Taehyung happened to be her classmate and when he saw her enter, he quickly helped her walk. No one else was in there but the both of them. "You didn't have to." Jennie said but he rolled his eyes and sat sat beside her. "Bitch."

"I wanted to hug you so tight right now but they're already coming in." He was referring to their classmates who have just arrived. He eyed them all making them gulp.

"You always hug at me at the room, Tae. Give me a break."

"Yah. You're the one who hugged me several times. Don't talk as if you're not guilty too."

"Tsk. Shut up." Their professor came in and they all greeted him.

"Nice to see you again class. Tonight, we will go to the forest once again and look for rare animals called Rabbiens. They are fast and naughty rabbits. They glow in yellow or blue. If you earn their trust, they will protect you with all their life making you own them. Who's ready for another adventure?"

Everyone shouted me and Mr. Kim opened the cabinet that served as a portal to the forest. "Let's hop in!" Jennie said as they excitedly entered the cabinet and found themselves in the unlighted forest.

"Now listen. I have put fences around the place. Remember to never cross over those fences because if you will, you'll get lost." They nodded. "Rabbiens are just around the place and the first one who can bring one to me, gets plus fifty in the exam. Ready everyone? One, two, and... Start!"

They started running around the place looking for Rabbiens. Jennie being the competitive one, kept calling 'Rabbien' thinking that it would surrender itself to her because of her powers. "Here Rabbiens!" She clapped her hands twice and kept searching.

A blue glowing light suddenly jumped behind her. She assumed it was a Rabbien and tried to find it. It jumped on her head and she attempted to catch it but sadly, it was jumping around her body. Before she can even touch it, she fell down because of dizziness.

"Don't play with me little Rabbien." It jumped on her lap and showed its original face. It looked like a normal rabbit except for its eyes that were changing in color. She tried to catch it again but it ran away from her. "Hey! Come back!"

She suddenly heard giggles. "You can't catch me!" It came from the Rabbien which is enjoying whatever it's doing. "You're too slow!"

Jennie ran fast and grabbed one of its long ears, with caution. She didn't want to kill the poor fella. "Nope. YOU are too slow." The Rabbien rolled its eyes and crossed its small and cute hands. "You're cute. What's your name?"

"You're actually talking to me?" Jennie happily nodded. "Oops, my bad. Well.. My name's Brooke. What's your name fast runner?"

Jennie giggled before answering. "I'm Jennie. Nice to meet you Brooke."

"So you're the Jennie Blair and the unicorns have been talking about! Nice to finally meet you!" Jennie giggled again. "You're cute! Just like me."

"Don't call me cute." She suddenly hugged it and ran to their teacher. "Mr. Kim!" She shouted and showed him Brooke.

"How are you, Mr. Kim?" Brooke said, and kept jumping on Jennie's palm. Surprisingly, Mr. Kim understood her.

"Doing well, Brooke. I guess Jennie caught you even though you're the naughtiest Rabbien in all Parailla. What a shame, pal." Mr. Kim teased.

"Meanie. Give her the fifty points then. And give me the pancakes you promised me last time! You're a big scam!" Brooke said so cutely making Jennie laugh.

"Shush." He pushed a carrot inside its mouth, shutting it up.

"Asshole!" Brooke said in her muffled voice. Jennie laughed and pulled out the carrot. "Thanks Jennie. I'll listen to her instead, hmph! See you later Jennie!" She jumped down and left.

"Don't mind her, she's always like that. Hehe.."

"Mr. Kim... Is your power, talking and understanding animals?" Jennie curiously asked. "'Cause I find out that I have that kind of power earlier this morning."

"Yes Jennie. That is exactly my ability and that is also the reason why I'm your Life and Nature teacher."

"Really? That means we're related! ...in some ways, I guess?" He chuckled and nodded at her.

"Perhaps you're right." Jennie smiled at him. "It's good to know that you're starting to learn about who you really are Jennie. I hope you use your powers for the good.. when the time comes."

"Of course."

"As your relative, like what you called me, take care yourself and always remember to always choose what's right. We don't know what might happen anytime."

"No problem with that Mr. Kim. So... Do I get my fifty points?"

"Ten." Jennie widened her eyes. What did he just say? "You heard what Brooke said, I'm a scammer." He suddenly laughed.

"Yah Mr. Kim! That's unfair!" He just laughed harder. "Okay you're really annoying."

"Shut up." He answered back.

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