Welcome To Remnant

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Y/n had died of old age...lived a good life. A life he was okay with, thought he wished it could have been more amazing. Y/n soul was in a void nothing just black all around. As the soul began to awaken and look around.

Y/n:"So this is death......Huh thought it be more heavenly or hellish. Nothing here......"

Then a voice spoke to the soul.

"You well live once again."

Y/n looked around wonder where the fuck that voice came from.

"You lived a humble life and so we will grant you, your desire of long ago."

Y/n:"My desire of long ago? The hell are you talking about?"

"You will be sent to a Remnant a world you wished to sent to when you were young."

Y/n:"Remnant? The hell is......oh from that show I watched as a teen. Now what was the blasted show called...........RWBY! yes the one with the female cast."

"Yes and to make sure you enjoy your time Borderlands will also be one with it."

Y/n:"Borderlands the fu.......wait the game that looter shooter game I played?"

"Yes and a few monsters as well, before I will give you a semblance called Mythical Archives, it will let you call forth any and every beast to fight by your side. As well as 3 combat weapons and the knowledge and skill to use it, and finally you will be 7 once again enjoy."

Y/n:"Hey wait I have QU........"

Y/n opened his eyes and he was laying on the ground and was under a tree. Then he stood up and saw he was in a forest and took a step forward and step on something, when he looked down he saw weapons.

 Then he stood up and saw he was in a forest and took a step forward and step on something, when he looked down he saw weapons

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