Back to the old Grind

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Y/n had enjoy the time he had here at beacon it was ok his friends made it fun for him. With Jaune Y/n had someone to nerd out with with video games, cartoon and movies. Pyrrha made training fun having to find new ways to beat her and well teach every now and then, though Y/n was holding back. Ren and y/n spent most time bonding getting to know one another and Ren enjoyed having someone to mediate with. Nora made anything and everything into a game and it was a blast, sometimes literally. Ruby made weapon up keep fun even if it just becomes her talking about weapons' for hours. Weiss was glad someone in her group show a bit of class and was able to find topics to talk about of her interests. Blake the bookworm had her nose in a book almost always, so Y/n made a few recommendation and she loved it or enjoyed it and would get into deep topics of the books with Y/n. Yang was beyond happy someone laughed her jokes and was a challenge to fight.

It's been some time since Y/n came here but hell was it peaceful. Don't get him wrong now peace is great but boring, no action, crazy fights, no madman wanting to kill him. Man guess even he is a bit mad wanting someone to come kill him. It's just their is no rush in his life at the moment. God what would he give to go on a mission and fight cause school life is not for him since he already did it once. That's why Y/n was on the roof of beacon skipping classes.

Y/n:"God damn it's boring. Wonder when I will get a mission? Sigh may as well sleep to pass the time."


E.D: Incoming call from Roland.

Y/n:"Speak of the devil. Patch it through."

Roland:"Y/n we have a job for you."

Y/n:"*Yawn* About fucking time man. Been getting old sit on my ass over here."

Roland:"Sorry intel is slow and we have to be careful not to tip off others."

Y/n:"Yeah yeah. So what's the job."

Roland:"I need you to go to Magma point and find a guy named Steel Fang. He may have info on Jack and a Key piece. Also he may be gather people to work for him."

Y/n:"So take him out or bring him in."

Roland:"Do you, I don't know if this information is good. Honestly it could be a trap for us."

Y/n:"So your sending me cause it maybe a trap. I don't know how to feel about it cause of my current mood so I'll just say you lucked out."

Roland:"Noted, now get going."

E.D: Call end

Y/n:"*Sigh* Well I wanted action and I got it. Better tell the old man."

Y/n then took out his scroll and wrote to the headmaster a message.

"Hey old man I got a job, I'll be leaving now. -Y/n L/n"

The head master was his her hand women and both where looking over paperwork and the message came in. Both saw it and where a bit surprised.

Glynda:"Is he not in class now?"

Ozpin:"I believe it's Ports."

Then out side a huge bird was heard and heading away from the school.

Ozpin:"Guess he was skipping."

Glynda:"What that is so irresponsible when he comes back he will be spending the rest of the day catching up with the classes he missed."

Ozpin:"I doubt that."

-----One Week Later----

Y/n was returning to beacon and man was he tired. He found Steel Fang but ended up getting away. For a whole week he was gone fighting and action he felt good really good. All the classes where ending as he was walking back to the dorms and as luck would have it his friends had been to see him as they came out of the class building. The first being Ruby and pointed to him.

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