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Luke's POV

I was sleeping peacefully, and wasn't having a nightmare. I always have nightmares when I sleep, and they usually end with a anxiety attack. My nightmares aren't about scary things, like paranormal activity and all of that shit , there about real fears. The fear of loosing the people I love and care about. They feel so real, so I wake up unable to breathe. I feel like Im being choked and can't calm down. I used to have to wake up the boys to help me, but I stoped waking them up because they need sleep. I woke up because I got really hot and the duvet was sticking to me, so I decided to go get a glass of water. I got up from the bed, and started quietly walking down the stairs. I reached the end of the steps when I started to feel really cold, I ignored the fact without realizing what was about to happen, so I continued to get a glass from the cabinet.
I reached to the top of the shelf to grab a glass. I walked over to the fridge and started pouring the water. As I was pouring the water, i feel a pain in my chest. I kept pouring the water, but it continued to get worse. I let the pain pass, or so I thought, and started to walk back to the stairs. I began walking, but I began to shake Violently, I instantly knew what was about to happen, and started to cry. I don't know why I start crying, it just happens. My shaking was getting worse, worse then it has ever gotten before. I was lost in thought, but snapped out of it when I dropped my glass of water on the floor. The glass shattered, and the water spilt everywhere. I cringed at the loud sound, and hoped that I didn't wake anyone up by the loud sound. This was the worst anxiety attack that I have had in a while.
I assumed that the best idea was to go upstairs and either wake up Calum, or just go back to sleep. I decided neither of those were a good idea, so I decided to head outside so I could let it all out without being Loud and waking up everyone else. I started walking, but I stepped on a piece of glass, the class cut my foot, and there was too much glass everywhere so I couldn't leave the spot I was standing in. 
My feet were bleeding.
My whole body was shaking vigorously.
I was sobbing.
My chest was hurting.
I couldn't breathe.
I gave up, and just fell to the floor, breaking.
I couldn't hold it in any longer. I know it sounds cliche, but it's true. I have Been holding so many emotions in for a while now. I knew I was going to have a breaking point, but never intended or imagined it to be this bad.
I guess I woke up someone when I heard someone walk down the stairs. I didn't know who it was, but I hoped it was Cal, I couldn't make out who it was because I couldn't see through my sobs....

Maddie's POV

I couldn't sleep because Lavenders feet were in my face, so I decided to get up and lay on the floor. I got up slowly, careful to not wake anyone up, and carefully to not jack up my ankle even more than it already is. I grabbed a blanket from the closet and a pillow from under Serena's arm and lay down in the floor. As I was getting comfortable, I heard a loud crash downstairs. It sounded like glass, no one else seemed to wake up by the loud noise, so I decided to go downstairs to see who was down there.  I walked downstairs slowly and glanced around the corner of the wall to see Luke on the ground crying. He was mumbling something to himself, which I couldn't quite understand
" Oh my God, Luke, are you okay?" I asked
He looked up, and all i saw was fear. He looked so scared, I felt so bad for him.
But I didn't know what to do, or what was Causing this.
Shaking? Yes.
Crying? Yes.
Hyperventilating? Yes.
Sweating? Yes.
He was having an Anxiety attack.
I reached down slowly and touched his head.
He flinched at my touch, but eased up. I leaned down and pulled him into my arms.he quickly hugged me back and he fell into my arms. He started sobbing even more.
"Luke what's wrong?" I asked
"I-I-I don't know, I'm scared." He said crying.
"Why are you scared?" I asked.
"I-I don't kn-know." He sniffled.
His breathing was slowing down, and his sobs turned into slight tears.
I was playing with his hair because that's seemed to help calm him down.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"I mean, I don't wanna bore you." He responded.
"No, Luke, it's fine" I chuckled.
"Are you sure" Luke said.
"Yeah, lets go over there." I laughed.
We walked over to the couch and he sat on the other end of me. We sat in silence for a while, until luke started talking.
"I have severe anxiety, it's runs in my family, but I have the worst case out of all of them. I have anxiety attacks when I sleep because I have nightmares. I know it's cringy, but they genuinely frighten me. And it's not like, ya know," paranormal stuff  ", things like that, it's things like loosing the ones I love and things like that. But those are only my Nightime ones. I have them daily too, if I'm at work, and I get stressed out, I get overwhelmed and it just happens.
I take medicine but that just makes it worse.
My doctor won't let me stop taking them though, he says they help, but I know they don't."
I-I don't know what to say..." I trailed off.
"It's fine, but now that I've told you something personal about me, it's your turn." He said.
"Umm... I like turtles?" I say.
"No, something interesting, something that not a lot of other people know about you." Luke said. He put his head in his knees and looked up. He honestly looked pretty adorable. I pushed the thought at my head, when he shifted uncomfortably because I was staring at him.
He explained something to me, that not a lot of other people would enjoy talking about. It's only fair if I tell him something too right? I asked Myself.
"Promise you won't tell anyone else? Only Lav and Serena know about this."I said.
"I swear, I won't tell anybody." Luke said firmly.
"Well, there's this boy, his name is Trevor. Everyone at our school loves him because he is the so called" jock " and the "popular one". I've liked him since 3rd grade. In sophomore year, he asked me out. We went on a date and everything went fine until, we were leaving and I grabbed his hand, and he turned around and smacked my face. I wasn't expecting that, and I thought it was was a one time thing, but... we continued dating for a week and finally I had enough so I'd ended things. Now he always flirts with me and gets my hopes up. I know I shouldn't like him still, but I do. Serena always warns me about him, and I know that I shouldn't even be around him, but I don't listen, and I don't know why." I chuckled at the end of my rant, but my teary eyes were visible.
Luke was silent for what felt like hours, but it was probably only a few seconds.
"No Guy should ever hit a girl. Especially someone as nice as you." He trailed off at the end of his sentence. 
"Thanks." I said.
I collapsed down onto the couch on my back, with my legs dangling over the back of the couch,  and stared up to the ceiling.
"No point of sleeping now." I said.
"Yeah." Luke chuckled as he copied my motions.
"Well, we could play some music?" Luke suggested.
"But everyone else is sleeping." I said.
"Well, we will go outside." Luke said as he got up and walked over to the table in the kitchen and started to toy with his Record player.
I got up and walked over to where he was sitting and looked over his shoulder.
Because I work at a Vinyl shop, I knew what was wrong with it.
"You need a wet rag to get the stuff out that's stuck under the tone arm." I stated.
"Oh, okay I'll go grab one." Luke said and got up quickly.
I sat down and began toying with the Amplifiers and Preamplifiers, just to see how they were. I heard a stifled "ouch" come from behind me. I got up and walked over to Luke, who was making a stiff face.
"What happened now?" I say laughing as I began walking over to him.
"No, Mads, carefu-" he stopped as I stepped on pieces of the glass that he dropped earlier, and I fell straight into him.
Luckily he caught me before I fell on the counter and busted my face open. Which had happened before.

I'm fine.//⚡️5sos🥀Where stories live. Discover now