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You have know Maddie since the day you were born, you have been best friends and haven't left each other's sides since the day you guys met. She likes the same music as you, but she's mainly in love with the music, while you are mainly obsessed with the boys themselves. The bell rings then you guys start to head off to class. You guys have every class together beside English. You and Maddie walk into math and sit down in your original spots. You start to take out your headphones, but when you do, you forget to turn off your music. All of the sudden the worst possible lyric bursts out in front of the while math class. The lyric "she looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel Underwear." Your teacher starts screaming your name... NO PHONES IN CLASS, DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL MISSEY.
you bang your head on your desk and think to yourself, this is gonna be a long week.

I'm fine.//⚡️5sos🥀حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن