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Michael's POV
After we got to the hospital, I noticed that there was someone missing. I went to ask Ashton where the other girl went, but he was.. uh, he was a little busy.
I walked outside to see if she was still in the van with Murray, but she wasn't.
I glanced behind the hospital sign, and I saw a girl, about our age, leaning against the curb. She was on her phone, scrolling through her, what I guess, was her instagram.
"Uh, hey." I said.
"Oh, hi. Sorry, I had to get out of there." She said.
"Oh, hah yeah I get it, it's kind of gloomy in there." I said.
"Yeah, well until we get news back from the doctor, wanna hang out with me out here? "She chuckled."
"Yeah, sure." I said.
I go and sit on the curb opposite by her.
I slowly sit down, and take out my phone.
"So," she said awkwardly.
"Yeah..." I said.
"Well, you guys did good in the contest, until.. well, ya know." I said.
"Yeah, haha." She giggled.
When, she giggled, it's like the gloomy mood was just lifted up off of us. When she giggled I started giggling, it's just a habit.
"Well, did you see what actually happened? To her leg?" I said.
"Well, she is a very active person, she is into a lot of sports so she's at practice a lot. She has soccer practice first thing in the morning, so after that she was on her way to school, and she fell or something, and she sprained her ankle.
And I guess it want fully healed, so when she was jumping on it, it prolly re-sprained." She said.
"Wow." I said.
"Yeah, and she isn't the person to cry over physical pain, emotionally that's another story. But don't tell her I told you." She giggled. But, I guess it really hurt."
I giggled when she said, " emotionally is another story, because come one it's funny!.
"I wonder what's wrong with it because it can't just be a sprain, if she never cries over pain."
"Yeah, I would tell you why she is always upset, emotionally, but we're never going to see each other again." She giggled.
"Well, maybe we'll stay friends, ya never know? And I'm curious." I said.
"Okay, but don't tell her I am talking you this. So our school is quite large, so there is of course, the quote on quote popular people, but there's this one guy, his name is Trevor, he the most popular boy in school. She has liked him since 3rd grade, and he knows it, and likes to toy with her emotions. One day he's all flirty with her, and the next, he gets mad and sometimes hits her. She plays it off to me and lavender like it's just from her sports, but we've seen him hit her before. She has had a hard time with boys ever since she actually dated Trevor for a few days.
He was abusive."
I was admiring her beauty, as she stared at the ground as she was explaining what happened. Her emotions would change, from anger, to saddens, then to happiness. I could tell she was the type of person who cared about her fiends.
Which was something that I found very attractive in people. I snapped out of my thoughts, when I saw a single tear slipped down her cheek.
"Hey, Hey it's okay" I said while getting yo to hug her.
"I'm sorry."she said, trying to hold in her tears.
"It's okay, I get it." I said, whilst hugging her.
"It's not even my life story and ummm sobbing." She laughed while sobbing into my chest.
"I understand, you just really care about your friends, and I get that." I said.
"It's hard, seing both my best friends, go through pain." She sobbed.
"I understand, it's still hard knowing how much pain my friends went through too, and still are going through."
I said.
We stopped hugging and she stopped crying.
"Thank you Michael, I needed to get all the emotions out." She chuckled.
I chuckled and we stood up and walked inside the hospital.
As we walked inside the hospital, we saw the doctors talking to Luke.
"Hey what's going on?" I asked Ashton.
"Well the doctored are gonna take us back there and tell us what's going to happen all together, with Maddie."
He said.
"Okay well, let's go." I said.
We started walking to Maddie's room and lavender went in first.
We heard laughing and giggling until the doctor can in and asked us to sit down.
What we heard next, was not the type of news we expected to hear....

I'm fine.//⚡️5sos🥀Where stories live. Discover now