I'm Sorry I smell... (Part Four) (Smut)

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Warning: Smut, so if you're underaged, please do skip. And don't worry! This doesn't add to the plot, just a bonus.

Me and Mumbo's kissing started to pick up pace. Our tongues intertwining, my breathing became sporadic. My hands around his waist and his hands around mine. Our faces left for a brief moment. Mumbo proceeded to leave soft kisses on my neck, gradually getting harder. I grinded against him, letting out soft moans. I allowed my hands to travel up Mumbo's shirt. Delicately examining his toned body, simply with touch. My body heating up even more as I felt our erections. Mumbo pulled back, lifting up my shirt. My face slightly flushed with pink at the way Mumbo looked at my body. "You're gorgeous.." he acknowledged in a breathy voice. He gestured for me to move off of him. And as I stood up... I fell down once again, my knees impacting the ground. I whimpered as the pain echoed through my lower bones.

I hurried out of bed, dropping down to pick up Grian. I had forgotten how fragile this man still was. I raised him, letting him wrap his legs around my waist, and arms around my neck. Our embrace became only more loving and beautiful. We deepened into another kiss, moving back towards the bed. I lightly placed Grian down onto the bed, my body taking an assertive stance, hovering over him. Grian's body had a slight shiver to him. The colour of skin looked more pigmented, but his frame was still weak and brittle. I sighed, why'd this man always have to tease me like this? He should know I wouldn't ever put any pressure or pain on him, especially like this... I slowly pulled down his pants, his blush getting darker. I kissed him. Our tongues once again danced amongst each other. Finally pulling down his boxers, I lightly touched his erection with the tips of my fingers. Our mouths leaving one another, I could see him with his brow furrowed, deep breathing, and moans escaping his lips. I moved down, my tongue now playing with his tip. "A-ah fuck Mumbo..." he gasped. I continued to play with him using my hands, licking and kissing his inner thighs. His hands now gripping tightly onto the white sheets of the bed. I returned to licking his shaft, before finally taking him into my mouth. I moved up and down at a slower and inconsistent pace, and as I felt Grian's body begin to tense up. I started to bob my head, faster and more consistently. My hands caressing his thighs attempting to ease his strain. "M-Mumbo... I'm g-gonna cum..." he mumbled trying to force any verbal signal out of himself, through the intense breaths. I continued on, no stopping and if anything moving faster. His moans becoming more high pitched and more frequent, "fuck, fuck, f-fuck!". I could feel his orgasm fill my mouth. I swallowed, licking off any excess. I sat back up, examining exhausted Grian. His body finally loose with satisfaction.
I got up and off of the bed, leaving the room, my face red. I looked down.... for goodness sakes... I'll just take care of this on my own then I suppose.

I laid on Mumbo's bed trying to regain my breath. I felt the presence of Mumbo leave from in between my legs, and heard the click of the door. Taking a few more breaths to myself I sat myself up. The room now quiet.. cold.. and alone. I looked around the room for a moment, reaching as far as could without falling off of the bed. I picked up my sweatpants, and Mumbo's t-shirt. I stood up leaning on the wall to support myself as I slipped on my pants. Finally sitting back down, I pulled Mumbo's shirt over myself. It was blank, grey, and exceptionally baggy on my body. I sat there for a few minutes, not knowing what to do with myself. Didn't Mumbo wanna do anything more? Maybe I wasn't able to satisfy him? I mean.. I didn't even have a chance to-. My thoughts were cut off by Mumbo walking into the room. Now that I had a chance to actually to really observe the well structured upper half of his body. I bit my lip. He looked to me in the silence of the room, and the only light shown through the window. Illuminating both of us. He walked over to me and the bed, sliding in and pulling me down to cuddle with him. "Mumbo did you not wanna... you know..?" "No, perhaps another day Gri. I didn't wanna force anything I shouldn't. Besides you're still ill, and you need time to prepare yourself." He explained with a gentle smile. I couldn't argue with him, he was right I wasn't quite ready for anything that serious yet. I sighed a smile upon my face. I wrapped my arms around his waist, embracing him partially underneath the blanket. I felt him place his hands against my neck and head. Stroking my hair, I could feel any tension slip away. My eyelids became heavier as every moment passed. "Thanks Mumbo, I really do appreciate the care."
"Of course Gri, I love you.."
"I.. love you too..."
I barely whispered, as my eyes had finally shut for good that night...

A/N: I'm super happy with how this story turned out! Credit to LoadingOwOs for inspiring me, and helping me edit properly! Without their help, this probably would've been a mess! ☺️

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