Hey, how about some small talk?

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Warning: angst and death

And it happened. There my body laid. A hole straight through my abdomen. And how funny it was to think that emotionally it was the same equivalent. Was this going to be the end of me? Most likely... I mean who could say the odds aren't in my favour? I suppose, considering by chance, the alleyway I've spent so many days and nights, years even, walking through. Was also going to be my inevitability. This alleyway wasn't just the end to my means, but also to a long hard day's work. The end to days of exhaustion, to the place I could be me. And live freely. The path that would lead me home, and to the one I loved most.

"Grian... should I... call for help...? I miss you..." My tone was soft, I looked around my body. The blood was pooling around me. The crimson liquid would've caused a riot in me normally. But I think I know why my heart wasn't racing, and my breathing was serene. Nature sure had a bewildering way of signalling us, not always in an obvious way. Such as a dog losing interest in barking. Or a cat suddenly craving your attention. The sky began dribbling, and finally the inescapable showers. I mean... it's a good excuse for not getting home right? I reached for my phone, and dialing numbers. I heard a few rings, and a click.
"Hey Mumby, where are you?"
"Hey Gri, I just got caught up in some..." I began to spit out coughs.
"Are you doing alright?"
"Yeah, I just got caught in the rain... think I'm just coming down with a cold or something..."

I lied.

"Ah I see, well I'm glad I made us soup today! Just wanted to make small talk while waiting?"
"Yeah... something like that... tell me how was your day?"
"It was a good day Mumby, I got a lot done, and still have lots of energy to spend with you!"

That hole suddenly became deeper.
"Yeah? I'm glad to hear that... and say.. do you ever feel like there's so much you wanna say to me, but never have enough time?"
"All the time! And I know I sometimes bother you with it..."
"No it's never bothersome, I think I'm definitely feeling the same right now though..."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing really I-I just-"
I started only to be stopped by coughs, I wasn't gonna be here much longer.
"Mumbo what's going on?"
"Gri, you understand I love you right?"
"Mum-" "just please give me an answer!"
I unintentionally yelled, my panic starting to escalate.
"Of course Mumbo! I love you too!"
"And you know whatever happens to me would never be your fault? And I wouldn't ever hold anything against you... and I'll take that word to the grave..." my voice and breath shuddering.

"... Where are you?"
"I suppose one of us had to go first right? I guess it was meant to be me... it might be a little selfish for me not to have to see you go. But I can't help it. I wouldn't wanna ever see that... Real shame it couldn't even be a sunny day today could it? I think that's a good thing though, you'll be able to watch the leaves grow, the waves crash, without thoughts of me bothering you."
"Just on my way home you goof..."

The line went quiet. I couldn't hear a sound from Mumbo. Dead silent. I rushed out the door, the water quickly soaking me to the bone. The cold, a literal manifestation of the sorrow that tore through my entire being. I followed the path that I watched my partner take daily, the road I would watch him leave on. Giving me hours to daydream about the crescendo in our hearts, and the dynamics of our love. Stopping at the alleyway, my eyes widening, and my heart screaming with agony. I turned the corner, and there he laid. My legs shook as I approached him. Falling to my knees, the splash of the water. Giving me a false sense encasing relief, and comfort. I wrapped my arms and hands around his head. My palms encompassing the wet, sleek, raven black hair.
I could hear his muffled breaths. I grasped my phone quickly calling the emergency line. As I looked away I felt his soft hand touch against my arm with a delicate placement. I dropped the phone.
"Mumbo if you're here talk to me! I'm calling for help and they should be here any minute please just wait!"
"I love you..."
"No, no no! Please just listen to my voice! Don't leave! You can't yet! I had so many things I wanted to do. We were gonna have soup, and get over that cold. I wanted to sleep next to you at least one more time, I wanted to see a ring on my finger and a gorgeous dress, I wanted a child... I wanted you..."
Not a single human noise existed in that time frame. My chest is tight, and my lungs shakey. The environment around us being the only one to speak...

Pit, pat, pit, pat...

The sirens...

869 words

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