I'm Sorry I Smell bad... (Part Three)

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The next morning, I had woken up before Grian. His body tightly snuggled against mine. A small grin appearing on my face, stroking his soft and now clean hair. I chuckled, thinking about what had happened. There's not much more I could do to change that, could I? "Hehe... yeah" I sighed exasperated. Hearing Grian's light breathing and snores brings me a satisfaction I hadn't experienced before. I sat there for a while enjoying the solace between me and him. About a half hour passed, and I continued to lay there. Before I heard a click of the door, I gently rolled Grian off of me, and rushed to the floor. "Heyyo Grian is Iskall, I thought I'd come by to check on yo-" "Oh hey Iskall..."
"Hey Mumbo what're you doing on the floor bud?"
"Ah I was just taking care of Grian here, because he's sick and all..."
"so you slept on the floor?"
"Haha yeah something like that..." I laughed, with a weird sense of déjà vu.
"But uh why don't we go make some breakfast before Grian wakes up huh?" I explained quickly getting up, pushing me and Iskall out of the room. I took a quick glance back at Grian, who continued sleeping. His blanket and arm dangling off the edge.

My heavy eyes open to the sun cascading into my bedroom through the window. I sat up, my body still heavy, but feeling refreshed. I sat myself up, still a little weak, but regaining my strength. I looked around, my room suddenly clean of all the rubbage that was laying about. I was confused at first, but I recalled last night. I sighed with relief, but speaking of what had happened last night, did Mumbo leave? I listened to the house and surroundings. Silence. I laid back down, shoving my pillow back into my face. My tears and cries muffled by the pillow. I just knew it... it was all just my imagination, all those moments I thought Mumbo liked me. It was just my hopes, and last night? He was just doing it to satisfy my delusional self. I sat back up and wiped my tears. Oh well, at least I know if he was willing to do all of that for me.. he's a good friend. Just.. a friend I guess... I turned my legs over my bed, holding onto the nearby chest for support. My legs had more strength in them, but I still needed some support. I sighed struggling to make my way out of the room. I walked to my front door, inhaling the fresh air, it brought me a sense of relief. And when I looked to the sky, it was the bright blue with white clouds passing by. But I saw something else, someone flying down? They landed in front of me, it was Mumbo. "Hey Grian what're you doing out of bed?". I stared for a moment, and I started laughing. I laughed, falling down, and my eyes brimming with tears. My laughter and cries becoming maniacal. Mumbo rushed over to me, and I looked at him with tears covering my face. "Geez Mumbo I can be too dramatic sometimes can't I?" He just laughed and helped me up. Bringing me back to my bed.

"I'll be back, Iskall stopped by and we made you some food". Grian nodded, and laid back down on his bed to rest for a moment. I smiled and went out to the kitchen. What is with that guy? Trying to go outside, breaking down crying, in that state? He must still be really out of it. I prepared some of the breakfast foods from earlier this morning. Returning to his bedroom, I stopped in the doorway, my attention drawing to Grian standing at his window. The warm sun encasing his figure. The colour of him, bright with reflective characteristics. His smile was the equivalence of gentle tapping of piano keys, in the tranquility of the space that completely engulfed us. The silence, being his and his alone, and I was lucky to be in the presence of such euphony. My desires to envelop him with my passions, and adoration crescendoing. And it reversing into a diminuendo, soon enough coming to an end.
"..I love you...".

I stood, stunned and unable to move. Did I hear that right? Did Mumbo just confess to me? I pivoted myself, facing Mumbo. He stood staring back at me. "I should uh..." he mumbled backing away, "...get going" he said apologetically. Attempting to rush out of the room.
"W-wait! Mumbo!" I tried to exclaim, but my voice faltered. I watched him from my window, his wings seemed to have gilded with an inconsistent stutter. I sighed, trying to walk back into the kitchen. I looked around, it was relatively clean. The only thing in the room was the food Mumbo and Iskall had apparently made for me. I sat down at the table, staring down into the food, lost in thought. Tears edging my eyes. Mumbo confessed to me and ran away? But why? A few tear droplets falling onto the table. I quickly wiped them, furrowing my brows. No! I shouldn't be crying, Mumbo just confessed to me. And I no longer have to worry about him not loving me back! I gotta get better, so I can tell him the same! That's right! I began to munch down the food. Only eating about half of it. I grabbed some medicine, and struggled my way back to bed. No way was I gonna leave Mumbo alone and heartbroken...

A few days have passed, my strength slowly regaining. Mumbo hasn't stopped by since, but Iskall has. And he's brought me a few snacks and such. When I asked him about Mumbo, his response was "Mumbo has spent lots of time alone working on his projects, but I don't really know" and just shrugged. And today was the day that I was finally going to talk to him. I had been practicing, adjusting myself to my elytra. And I was feeling good enough to finally go! Gently hopping up and away. I steadied myself, flying towards Mumbos base. Looking everywhere for any sight of the man. I landed, my knees hitting the ground first. Sending a small shooting pain into my legs. I looked around his hobbit hole. Nowhere to be seen I knocked on his door. Opening the door, I entered no hesitance. I looked around the main areas of Mumbo's home, nothing. I continued to his bedroom, opening the door with a soft click. I saw a sleepy Mumbo laying in bed. I hesitantly approached him, sitting next to him.

I felt the bed rustling, startling me awake. I propped myself up and rubbed my eyes. Looking around to notice someone sitting on the bed. It was Grian... just sitting next to me. I honestly didn't know what to do... A few moments of staring and silence passing "I have no idea what I'm supposed to be saying right now" Grian laughed. I laughed back with an awkward tone of relief. "Yeah.. I don't know either to be completely honest... you just wanna talk?" I said starting to adjust myself in the bed. Grian nodded and did the same, and we were now sitting side by side.
"How have you been doing? I hope you were able to get along well, without any help. And being in the state you were..." my questioning filled with guilt.
"Well I did well for myself, as I've clearly demonstrated. I'm quite strong and independent... So um why did you run- I mean... leave?"
"Ah yeah, I suppose there's no going back now is there?". Grian simply responded with a slight chuckle, and a shake of his head.
"Well in all honesty I didn't mean to say that to you... At least not quite yet...". Grian sat up turning to me, sitting on my lap and straddling me. "And what was that?"
"Uhh G-Grian.. I d-don- " Grian began leaving my lap "well I guess you could say it then, but if you can't anymore- ". "W-wait!" He stopped. I sighed "I love you..." I said, and a wide smile growing on his face. "Geez Mumby was it that hard?"
"I love you too!... Dumby Mumby..." he answered, embracing me with a hug. I laughed, and hugged back. We let go, another moment of staring into each other's eyes before setting into a deep.. deep... kiss.

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A/N: Heyyo! This is the end of the story, but I will be writing one more additional part that is exclusively smut, but not essential to plot. So go ahead and skip if you'd like ☺️

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