I'm Sorry I smell bad... (Part Two)

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Warning: Slight nudity, but nothing too out there, don't worry!

I felt so embarrassed that Mumbo had to see me in this state, I haven't been able to move in days. "That's quite alright Gri, do you- umm.. need my help.. you know... t-to bathe?" I watched him ask with a tremble in his voice. A blush came across my face to match his, "I mean I can't exactly do it on my own.." I confessed timidly averting my eyes from his. I sat myself up with Mumbos help of course. "Very well.. I'll go run you a bath and I'll come back to get you .." he explained quickly rushing out of the room. I weakly stood up trying to make it to my chests to find another pair of clothes. I made it over, only to fall down to my knees. My breathing became heavy, taking a moment to catch my breath before searching through.

I had prepared the bath for Grian, my mind racing, "Oh gosh Mumbo, what have you gotten yourself into?". I turned off the tap and headed back to Grian's room. I saw him stuck on the floor holding his clothes. I laughed and quickly rushed over to help him. "Gri come on, I'm here to help with this kind of stuff." "I know, I know.. but I still needed to do something for myself.." he persisted as I helped him up. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, and I guided him out of the room and into the bathroom. I became more and more anxious as we approached, I looked down at Grian. He very much seemed oblivious, only focused on the bath, rather than me. I set him down on the ledge of the bathtub, taking his clothing and setting it on the nearby counter. He stared at me with a smirk on his face, as he proceeded to raise his arms. I sighed, lifting and basically peeling the sweat soaked sweater off of his body, and throwing it off to the side. He reached his delicate hand out, in which I took into mine. He sat up off the ledge leaning against me. I realized he had started removing his pants and boxers, my body shaking with mortification.

I was completely dazed as Mumbo took me to the bathroom. Before I knew it, I was already half naked and leaning on Mumbo. There was no going back now... I continued to remove every piece of sweat covered clothing off of my body. With a staggered sigh, the relief of finally removing the gross sweat rags off my body felt amazing. I looked up to Mumbo, whose face was red as tomato, and staring straight ahead not even making eye contact with me. I snickered, using what was left of my energy to step onto my tippy toes, and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.
Leaning to his ear "thanks Mumbo Jumbo..". I felt Mumbo shake with what I presume to be a shiver sent down his spine. I turned around, my back now exposed to Mumbo, still holding his hand as I sat. Letting go and wrapping my arms around my legs, as I pulled them to my chest. The pleasantly warm water, all encompassing my body. Laying my head on my knees, and shutting my eyes. The most relaxed I've felt in days, and Mumbo was standing next to me the most awkward I've ever seen him. I smiled,
"Hey uh Mumbo, while I suppose you don't have to help me, it would be appreciated here..." I voiced softly looking at him. "oh um of course!" He exclaimed, rushing to get soap and a cloth. I turned my back towards him, my head still resting with a slight blush.

I returned looking back at Grian, soap in hand, his back facing me. He was pale. Slim. His very essence seemed to have drained out of him. His bones and spine protruding from the skin of his back. I kneeled down, cloth in hand. My hand glided down his soft skin, gently feeling the curves of him through the fabric. His merciful breathing and sighs filling the hushed room. Using both of my hands, I thought I'd massage him as I washed him. He didn't seem bothered so I continued. My mind filled with thoughts, my eyes brimming with tears. I dropped the cloth, my tears dropping, I raised my hands to my face trying to wipe them away.

I felt Mumbo's hands leave my back, and heard sniffling. I slowly spun around, only to see him crying. My heart broke. I reached out for his hands, "Mumby what's wrong?" "I'm sorry Grian, I just... feel so bad. I should've been here earlier, you look so awful and sickly... a-and.. I know I shouldn't be the one crying here b-but..".
Slightly leaning out of the bathtub, soaking him with water, I embraced his body into mine. He hugged me back, and could I hear soft mumbled apologies. I took him back, my hands on his shoulders "It's not your fault, don't ever think that is. And besides I'm strong, and I'm still here!" I joked, flexing what tiny muscle I had on my arm. "Yeah, you are..." Mumbo mused at me with a heartfelt smile. I giggled. A moment passed, and it occurred to me how close we were, face to face, staring into eachother eyes. Him with that beautiful facial structure, sleek black hair, and classy suit. And me facing hiM NAKED AND SHOWING EVERYTHING! I rushed sitting down and quickly Covering myself, and quickly averting my eyes from him.

Grian practically jumped off of me looking away. I was a taken aback at first, until I realized why he was covering himself. My face turned red, "Oh! Um I didn't see anything... if that brings you any peace of mind?" I say nervously scratching the back of my head. He nodded his head, but his gaze remained away from me. "Let's just finish this up shall we?" He nodded in response, and moved towards me and allowed me to finish washing the rest of his body. I pulled the plug out of the drain, and my sight remained up, as I helped and escorted him out of the bathtub. He once again leaned struggling to put on his pants. I grabbed his shirt and slipped it up and over his head. He looked at me, and laughed. "I'm sorry I got you covered in water..." he spoke up. I looked down, and had only realized when he brought it up. "Ah I see, it's quite alright. I'll just change into-" I mentioned, realizing I had left my equipment back at my base, along with my clothing. It was too late to be going back out, especially with all the mobs. "Heh... yeah let's just get you to bed shall we?" Grian agreed, and I continued to help back to his bedroom. His head was getting droopy as I continued to lay him down, placing his blankets over top of his slender frame. "Hey Mumby there's some clothes over there that you could borrow for tonight..." "Ah yeah of course..." I quickly grabbed some clothes taking a moment to observe Grian. He looked so happy and comfortable in his bed. I sighed with relief heading on my way out. "Mumbo...?" "What's up Gri?" "When you come back from changing.. could you... I don't know... come back and maybe sleep with me? I mean! You don't have to if you don't want to or anything, I just get really cold alone..." Grian stumbled over his words as explained. My heart began to race, and worry. I have always wanted this, and it's not like there's anything wrong with this. He invited me into his bed! And it would be nothing more... I agreed, and Grian quickly sank into his bed.

I laid in bed waiting for Mumbo to return. I heard the door click, I sat up slightly pushing my body off to the side, and lifted the blanket inviting him into the bed. He sighed and climbed in with hesitance. I waited for him to settle him, before pulling a cheeky move. I pulled the blanket over my head, and set it down on my Mumbos chest. I heard his heartbeat pick up, I smiled and wrapped my hands around his quivering torso. His enticing smell and the warmth of his body, pulling me deeper into a sense of security and comfort. Quickly whisking my body, soul, and mind into a dreamland.

And there Mumbo laid, face warm, heartbeat rapid, and a sleepy Grian. Oh well who could've asked for more, this is what he's always wanted...

1452 words

A/N hope you enjoy this longer chapter, am really happy with how this turned out. Might make one part on this story before starting a new one.
Also the song above is just what I chose to listen too while writing this part, not mandatory to listen to. But might make it more enjoyable! ☺️

Grumbo Oneshots and other StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora