Chapter 17

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Yoongi POV

They took him. They took Jimin and my baby.. I couldn't believe it.. They took my mate away from me. Forever.

3 Weeks Later

Jimin POV

Three weeks have passed. Three weeks since I was taken away from Yoongi. One week since I found out I was pregnant. Two days since my parents found out I was pregnant. And one day since my parents found out my mate was an enemy.

 I sighed. I wanted him next to me. I softly rubbed my stomach. No bump visible yet. I need to escape... but how. Ever since I was brought back they added more guards and less ways to escape this hell hole.

My parents treated me like normal. They pitied me. They thought that having a vampire as a mate was terrible. They thought I wasn't treated correctly. But I was.

Even though I was with him for a few days he loved me. He showed me what love was instead of being a fling. He treated me like a queen without even knowing I was royal.

Ever since I got back I refused to eat, talk or do anything. My parents knew it was bad for me and the baby. They forced me to eat. I didn't want anything to do with them. I just wanted Yoongi with me. 

"I'm sorry" I whispered to my flat stomach. I couldn't do anything. I refused to leave my room. Hell I barely left my bed. 

I knew I was getting sick due to how fatigued I was. I kept throwing up which I'm guessing was normal because of morning sickness. I had a fever often. But when I felt fine I didn't dare leave me room.

I didn't know what day it was. I never checked. The only good thing was that no one besides my parents knew my mate was a vampire. Everyone knew I was pregnant but didn't know what my mate was. 

I sighed for what seemed like the tenth time. Memories from when I was with him flashed through my mind.

He smiled  at me. That beautiful gummy smile. I smiled kissing him passionately

I started crying. The memories that hit me. I couldn't take it. 

'I love you'

I sobbed. Knowing I might never see him, hear him or have him say those three words to me... ever again. 

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