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All Pictures through the book from google images. Please don't copy my story.

This is rushed please don't judge the book on the prologue. I just needed it for character development and plot.


I packed the last box of my stuff in the back of my trailer. I let a big grin escape. I was finally ready to go. I closed the door and added a lock to the end. Turning around I looked in the eyes of my family. Tears threatening, or already, spilling down cheeks.

I shrugged and looked down, "I'm sorry." Tears broke the barrier that I had built over the past week. I looked up and noticed my mom and dad exchange looks.

Dad wrapped his big strong arms around me from behind while my mom from the front, "Sweetie it's okay. We know that this is what you need to do. Tim would be proud." The last part was a whisper on my mom's lips.

Dad nodded his agreement, a man of few words but you could always see what he meant from his actions. "William! Load your sister's animals. She'll be leaving in 30." My brother nodded his head and started to load my two horses and one cow. "I'll miss you pumpkin. Go and make me proud down there."

I sniffed and gave him a loving smile, "Always daddy." I hugged him back. "I finally can leave this place. I'm so ready daddy, I can feel myself being drawn down south."

He smiled, "That means my little girl is now all grown up, and she's going to find her true home." We hugged for another moment before I headed to my mom.

"I can't believe my baby is leaving me. I lost Tim and now you. Is there any way I can pack you a lunch one more time?" My mom said with a large smile.

"I'd love that momma. You know he was like a grandpa to me. I miss him and it's only been a week, but I know he wanted me to hurry on and keep on moving. Heck, momma! Who leaves an eighteen-year-old that much money! And a note to follow my dream, aka book a ticket outta here." I let out my confusion to her.

She smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Because he loved you like a daughter. We all know about how this has never been home to you and he gave you the gift of exploring. A gift to find the home you want. He gave you everything cause you were the only true family he had, he tried to show that by giving you everything he could. Now wipe away that splay of tears and I'm going to whip up your favourite sandwich for the road." She gave me a small smile and walked to the tan coloured house.

I met Will at my trailer door, "I'll miss you brother. I don't know what I'll do without your constant watchful eye and bugging behaviour."

He gave a small smile but it slowly turned downward and his lower lip trembled. He whispered, "Don't go then. Stay here." His voice broke with every word.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, "I'm sorry. You know I have to do this. You can visit as soon as I'm settled in!" He nodded but still looked down. "I already stole some of your clothes so you can use those when you come over."

One...Two..."YOU WHAT?!" I laughed and nodded my head. "Thanks, sis. I needed that. Please don't wreck them. I'll be taking them back when I visit next. Plus I kept your stuffed wolf for myself." I eyed him but shrugged it off as we hugged again.

"Love you, Will. Don't get into too much trouble without me."

"Never. But maybe just a little." He said while pinching his fingers together. "I Love you too Skylar. Now go say bye to your friends. You'll be late if you don't get going soon. Call me when you're on the road. I wanna know everything!"

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