Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“This is it Serena it’s finally senior year!” I excitedly told Serena.

Finally we are almost done with high school, this year we definitely have to make it the best. Serena coming back changed everything but no matter what I will still be queen bee of the school. It really is hard being Blair Waldorf.

“I know B I’m so excited for this year to begin and think of all the parties there will be” Serena said interrupting my train of thought. Serena, Serena always thinking about the parties, which they are fun but with so much drama.

“And to start this year off none other than our It girl S back and chatting happily with her bff B, who knows how long this friendship will last.” –xoxo Gossip Girl

“I hate gossip girl why does she always have to talk about us?” Serena said closing her phone.

“Because S we are the most popular girls in Constance and so of course she has to talk about us.” I responded.

We were almost at school and as always we had to meet up with the boys first. Nate and Chuck, we all grew up together and recently Chuck’s dad and Serena’s mom got married so they siblings now. He of course was with Nate it was like a tradition that they always hanged out the day before school and do God knows what.

“So did you miss Nate this summer?” Serena asked.

“Of course I did, but he will be here soon” I said while fixing my hair.

 Nate Archibald my prince charming, we have been dating since seventh grade and one day we’ll be married. As I was thinking this a black limo pulled up, out came Nate his uniform on. He was so gorgeous with his green eyes and brown hair, he was tall and muscular, your average American guy. And behind him came Chuck, I’ve missed him too, his dark eyes that almost seem black at times and his strong jaw… but why am I even thinking about this. Looking over at Nate I said “I’ve missed you!” he walked over to me and kissed me saying “Me too.”

 Nate than gave Serena a hug and a kiss on the cheek which meant I had to say hi to Chuck.

 “Why hello Chuck, how was your summer?” I asked, “Hot” he smirked and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

 We than all walked to the corridor which our schools shared the boys went to their side, St. Jude’s and us girls went to ours Constance Billiard. Me and Serena went to our lockers to get our books, and go to English class before the bell rang. Just this year left, and there’s so much to do. First I have to make sure my place in Yale is guaranteed, and then I have to worry about prom. Of course I will be crown Queen that is unless Serena decides to run as well, she’s my only real competition. Everything comes so easy to her, it’s not fair I always work my ass off yet she still gets everything. I was thinking all of this as we were walking to class.

“hey Blair, hey Serena” the girls said as we made our way to class.

 “so what are we doing tonight?” asked Serena, her beautiful blond hair falling to her face.

“I don’t know, somebody will probably throw a party” I said.

We were in the middle of class when my phone started vibrating it was a text message from Chuck PARTY AT MY PLACE TONIGHT! Of course he had to be the first to throw the party.

Serena leaned over and said “guess we know what we’re doing tonight.”

The only thing I could do was nod, me and Chuck at parties did not make a good combination good thing everyone will be there and so nothing will happen. He’s my boyfriend’s best friend nothing can happen with us nothing should happen. It’s weird the relationship me and Chuck have, I’ve always loved him and I always thought it was just as friends. But, friends don’t feel attracted towards each other do they? Besides all he wants is to sleep with me, he’s a player and he loves to play with me. Besides there’s nothing wrong with flirting now and then.

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