Chapter 12

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It sounds silly that me Blair Waldorf was going to “officially” meet Chuck Bass’s parents. Who would have ever thought now only to find the right outfit to wear? “Dorota!” I yelled calling for my Polish maid.

She came running into my room and out of breath said “Yes Miss Blear?”

Looking at my closet I said “I need to find the perfect outfit, something that says a well behaved girl, a good student, and overall someone who has good taste in fashion” I turned around to face Dorota and saw that she was just standing there.

“Well chop, chop Mister Chuck will be here soon” I said imitating the way she says Mister Chuck.

I don’t even know why I’m worrying so much anyways after all Serena did live over there now so it’s not like I haven’t met his parents before. Well I guess Lily’s not really his mom but still I should have nothing to worry about.

“What about this?” she asks while taking out a red dress that was opened from the back.

“No, no that’s all wrong I said a good girl they can’t think I’m just another one of his hookups” I yelled at her, was it so hard to find something I specified for.

“And this” she asks while pulling out a navy blue dress that wasn’t too long and was nice but still fashionable.

“Perfect, now leave so I can change, and make sure to tell me when Chuck arrives” I said dismissing my helpful maid.

After putting on the dress I looked over to see myself on my mirror, I had to admit I look very nice and prim. My hair of course was in perfect curls with a navy headband, while I had on the dress with some small black pumps. I was wearing some diamond earrings and a diamond necklace. I knew my outfit said I was a well-bred Upper East sider.

“Miss Blair, Mister Chuck is here” I heard Dorota call out from downstairs. Just on time.

I grabbed my purse and walked out my room. I was descending the stairs and I saw Chuck standing at the bottom with peonies on his hands. He smiled at me and I smiled back observing his attire. Of course he was in a tuxedo with a red bowtie. Out outfits didn’t match but red goes good with navy blue.

“Hello beautiful” he says as he kisses my hand and hands me the peonies.

I smell them and give them to Dorota as I say “put these in water” she takes the flowers from my hand and hurries out the room.

“Ready?” I ask, he only nods and offers his arm which I gladly take.

The elevator ride was a bit quiet because neither of us knew what to say. He has never dated anyone and all of I’ve ever dated is Nathaniel Archibald, I don’t know what I would talk to Chuck Bass about. It’s weird because before we got together we had no trouble speaking or perhaps not speaking and taking action.

“Will Serena be there?” I asked I hope she is I haven’t really talked to her but I know her being there would make things slightly less nerve wracking.

“No she is spending the afternoon with Brooklyn boy, so it will only be you, me, Lily, and my father” he said. I didn’t respond and I guess he could tell that I was a bit nervous.

“Relax, my father already loves the idea of me actually dating someone and you being Blair Waldorf just seems to make it better” he says with a grin.

“Well I am Blair Waldorf” I said with a smirk already feeling a bit better. I just didn’t want Bart to judge me too quickly and think I wasn’t good enough for the great Chuck Bass.

“Did you talk to Nate?” I quietly asked once we were in the limo.

“Yes, he was surprisingly not too upset” he said while playing with my hands. I truly did feel sorry for Nate but we were just not working out anymore.

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