Chapter 11

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For the past week everything seemed to be bliss of pure happiness. Who ever knew Chuck Bass was a romantic. The only downside to that is that no one really knew we were together now, it’s a good thing gossip girl hasn’t posted anything about us spending time together, but I’m sure it’s bound to happen soon.

“Miss Blair, Miss Serena is here for you” Dorota called out. I guess I should start outing me and Chuck’s relationship by telling Serena first. I made my way downstairs ready to face Serena I just hope I can control my anger and not tell her that I know about her and Nate. We’ve been a little rocky for a while now.

“Hey S, what brings you here?” I asked as I made my way to the last step of the stairs.

There just under the stairs stood Serena with her long legs and long blonde hair. She was wearing a tight black skirt with some black tights and leather boots, a very revealing red shirt and a black coat.  

“You’ve been MIA and I wanted to know what was up” she said turning around facing me offering some coffee she brought along with some treats from the bakery.

Taking the coffee I made my way to the sofa and sat down, I took a sip of the coffee; it was prefect just the way I liked it sweet but not too sweet. “As you know I’ve been busy with Chuck” I answered no point in waiting any longer.

“B what are you doing with Chuck?” she asked with a look on her face that made it clear she was disgusted.

“Well if you really wanna know…” I started but didn’t finish because she said “Eww you and Chuck?” she questioned.

“Yes me and Chuck and take that look of your face it doesn’t suit you” I said crossing my legs.

“Come on B me and you both know this is just to make Nate mad” she said trying to me see “reason”

“This has nothing to do with Nate, which by the way we’re over, what me and Chuck have is real more than what it was with Nate.” I say adding the end in a whisper.

“But you’re always talking about how you and Nate will marry and have two kids” she said seeming genuinely surprised at my change of events.

“Yeah well things change I don’t love Nate anymore.” I say, and I can tell she has a look on her face thinking about my comment a little longer than usual.

“Aren’t you worried of what people will say at school about you and Chuck, aren’t your minions going to stop following you?” she asked

“Is that what you want? So you can be the new Queen B again?” I asked this time getting upset I put the coffee down and stood up.

She of course did not get up and said “No, no I’m just curious” while putting her hands up in a calm down way.

“Well all people will say is how did Blair Waldorf manage to tame the great Chuck Bass?” I said in a proud voice.

“What’s this I hear about taming Chuck Bass?” said a voice behind me, who belonged to none other than the devil himself.

I went to him and gave him a brief kiss on the lips; he seemed a little surprised but didn’t question it.

“I was just telling Serena about us” I explained as he put an arm around my waist.

“Well hello sis” he said as he moved to sit on the couch and I followed.

“This is just too weird” said Serena standing up and getting her things, “I’m going to see Dan but I hope you guys know what you’re doing” she finished as she made her way to the elevator.

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