Chapter 10

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It was time for our little conversation, and if I was being honest I was a little nervous.

We rode the elevator down in silence, we walked out towards his limo and still no words. I couldn’t stand the silence but I didn’t know what to say. Neither of us did, we were both scared of what was to come.

The ride to my house was short but it felt very tense because we didn’t talk another awkward elevator ride to my floor. I went up the stairs to my room and he followed. Lucky for me my mom wasn’t home and Dorota did whatever I tell her to do.

Once in my room I went to my closet and changed into a more comfortable dress. When I got out I saw Chuck sitting on the edge of my bed waiting for me. I walked towards him as he looked up at me. Before he could say anything I said “So what now?”

I couldn’t read a single expression on his face; he took my hand and said “I don’t know”

“I’m not with Nate anymore” I said, maybe this will make him decide to say the words I so wanted to hear.

“I kind of figured, but it still doesn’t mean he’ll be okay with it” he said letting go of my hand and placed both on the edge of the bed holding onto the comforter with a tight grip.

“He’ll get over it” I said getting closer to him

“And your mom?” he asked; he knew how much of her approval I needed just like he needed his father’s.

“I don’t think she will mind the Bass influence on her company” I said finding an answer to all his excuses. But, I knew that he wanted me to be sure I had more to lose than him. I put my hand under his jaw and tilted it to face me.

His eyes were still avoiding mine however “What about your status as Queen B?” he ask while letting of the sheets and putting one of his hands on the side of my leg.

“Please getting Chuck Bass is enough for me to rule the world” I said in an obvious tone. It was true no one could ever tame Chuck Bass, and if Blair Waldorf could make him settle for one girl than she must be a hell of a girl. No one would dare to mess with me.

Both of his hands were now the sides of my legs and going up “in that case… Blair Waldorf will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. Wow I never expected a formal question.

“I would love to be Chuck Bass’s girlfriend” I said leaning forward and kissing him full on the lips. The kiss didn’t last long because I pulled away.

“We can’t tell people yet, I have to break up with Nate officially and we probably need to wait at least a week to make us official” I said sitting down next to him.

“Don’t worry we never got caught before we won’t get caught now” he said with a smirk as he pull me back onto his lap.

We were in the middle of a kiss when Dorota yelled out “Miss Blair, Mister Nate here to see you”

Quickly I got off Chuck’s lap and looked at him; he grunted and fell back towards the bed.

“I guess I better start by telling him things are over” I said looking at Chuck. I could that he was worried I would forgive Nate like I always did but I gave him a reassuring look and walked towards the door.

“Don’t move” I told him before closing the door. I fixed myself a little before walking downstairs.

As I was descending the stairs I saw Nate at the bottom with some flowers. He was wearing the green sweater I had given him; he looked nice but I do prefer the darker looks.

“Hey babe why did you leave last night?” he asked giving me the flowers and making an attempt to kiss me.

Before he could kiss me I faced the other way and said “Dorota put these in water” she came and took the flowers. “Listen Nate we need to talk” I said as I walked to the living room.

He followed me with a confused look on his face. “About what?” he asked

“Listen, I don’t think me and you are working out. You’re a nice guy but to be honest lately it feels like we’re together out of custom. Nothing’s the same and I think it’s better if we just ended things now because above everything we are friends” I said in a gentle and slow tone making sure he understood what I was saying.

“Did I do something?” he asked this time with a really confused look on his face. Yes you did something! I wanted to say but I didn’t give him the satisfaction.

“I just don’t feel the same anymore, I think we both know that it’s time for us to end” I said again in a slow voice.

I guess he never expected me to say this because he said “But you and me, we’re supposed to get married”

“Is that what you really want Nate, come on we’re seventeen who knows when we’ll get married. The only reason you think we’re supposed to get married is because our parents want us to. What do you want?” I asked.

He seemed to think it over for a few seconds, finally his face seemed resolved because I knew that deep down he didn’t love me the way couples loved each other.

“I guess you’re right, we are too young to know all of this, and maybe taking a break is for the best” he said standing up from the sofa he was sitting on.

“Yes Nate this is for the best” I said going up to him and kissing him on the cheek “I’ll see you around” I added before making my upstairs.

It still hurt though; I still loved Nate in a way. I always thought we were going to get married and have the perfect family. But, he was never the one that satisfied me, that person was waiting for me upstairs.

I didn’t go in my room once I was upstairs I stood by my door contemplating the events that have happened. Perhaps it was wrong for me to sleep with Chuck partly because I wanted to be even with what Nate did. I just hope Chuck never knows that because than I know I’ll lose him for sure.

Finally ready to face Chuck I twisted the handle and got inside the room. I closed the door and locked my back towards him, I knew he was on the bed. I turned to face him but he wasn’t looking at me.

He was laying on my bed his shoes on the floor. He was looking at the ceiling of my room with his hands behind his head. I liked the image I was seeing Chuck Bass spread on my bed with a black suit and to finish it his bow-tie on top.

“That was interesting” he said turning towards me.

“Yeah” I said walking towards the bed and sitting on the edge. I bend down a little to take off my shoes and climb into bed with him.

“You know what else is interesting?” I asked as I made my way to his lap and straddled him. His hands automatically went to me legs. Smirking I unzipped my dress and took it off leaving me in my nice La Perla lingerie.

“I can think of a few things” he said smirking up at me a looking down at my attire obviously liking what he saw.

Things were sure to get interesting from here on out what being Chuck Bass’s girlfriend was going to take energy, starting now.

I leaned down and kissed him deeply, my lips left his mouth and made their way to his neck taking off the bow-tie and unbuttoning his shirt as I kept going down.

This sure was going to be interesting.

AN: Thanks guys so much for reviewing the previous chapter hope you guys liked this one.

I will try to update as soon as I can hopefully by next week? I don’t know.

So don’t forget REVIEW!! Pretty please it will only take like 30 seconds.

And don’t forget follow me on tumblr: igetlostinwords. tumblr. com no spaces

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