The owner looked over me and saw Tsubaki eating. Tsubaki who had a bit of rice on his face, glanced at the owner through his sunglasses. Owner tilted his head. I kicked Tsubaki in the leg for him to smile. Tsubaki seemed to get what I wanted him to do and he gave him a gentle smile, that left me shocked for a second. I turned me head back to the owner.

~Ah, he is my friend. Tsubaki, meet the owner, Tachibana-sama.

-Sunoku-sama, how many times have I told you to not call me that?

He asked with a fake irritation. I replied with a giggle.

~But the food you make is waaay too amazing for me to address you with "-san".

He smiled, a smile so bright that it literally painted the room in bright colors. Tsubaki had to push his glasses up so that he could look at the man. It honestly felt like looking at the sun. Yep Im blind now.

After chit-chatting with the owner and filling up our stomachs, I payed and we left. I had no problem with paying. I knew for a fact that Tsubaki didn't have and money and I had plenty of it. Almost too much for a girl my age.

-You see that smile everytime you come here? Or was it because he had finally saw someone with you?

Tsubaki teasingly questioned me. He must've figured out the fact that I don't have anything close to a friend, and he had rubbed it into my face.

Instead of replying at him I quickened my pace. His legs were longer that mine that's why it didn't take him long to catch up to me.

~How come you don't smile at me like that, huh? You sadistic fox.

He laughed at that.

-You sure are interesting, aren't you.

I shrugged my shoulders and continued leading him to the next location we were going to visit.


~Yep! Here we are!

Tsubaki raised an eyebrow at the place that we stood before.

-This is the place where we are going to spend time?


He sighed and suddenly he couldn't control his laughter that suddenly came out of his lungs. This laugh continued for longer that usual. And this time I could tell that there was a genuine laugh mixed there.

~aaaahh~ a place where my dreams of becoming skinny come to die.

Yep we were at the mall, in the food corner(I have no idea what this place is called) to be precise.

-But we just ate. If you keep eating you're really going to become bear~chan.


That shit hurt. The truth hurts I guess. Actually the real reason of us being here wasn't food, although I wish it was, it was because Tsubaki was in a desperate need of clothes. Seriously, ever since I first saw him. He had always worn the same clothes. I once tried to get him to wear Kyosuke's clothes, which he refused by saying he didn't want to wear someone else's clothes.

But I knew it was bullshit.

I dragged him to the nearest clothing store. As soon as he realised where I was taking him, he literally screwed himself to the ground.

-Y-You know what I-I think I can eat more! Ha ha LET'S GO!!

He tried to drag me back but I [somehow] managed to get him to come in to the store with me.

We were about to go past a woman working in the store called "kumo-wear" when Tsubaki harshly grabbed my arm with his free hand. I stopped to look at him and that was my mistake. The next thing I knew, I was over Tsubaki's shoulder like a goddamn potato sack [which was my actual personality considering I don't do anything but lay around]. A blush made its way onto my face and I instantly started banging on Tsubaki's back to get him to stop carrying me. In addition to that I flapped my legs around, trying to hit his perfectly structured A B S. I probably looked like a half dead fish with all those floppings.

《His Eve》Tsubaki|Servamp|FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now