✨Magician Vampire✨

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Having a pet is great...but what happens when that pet turns out to be an extremely handsome vampire? Let me tell you, not good. Because of the temporary contract I accidentally made with Tsubaki, who turned out to be a vampire. I had to bring him to school with me. I'm not going to skip on school even if a zombie apocalypse happens! That's how desperate I am to learn!!

Hell no...

I was forcefully "dragged" out of the house by a phone call that came from my teacher, saying that she'll call my uncle if I skipped on school. Well, after that threat I didn't have much of a choice.
You see I'm the type of student that doesn't do jack shit at school except staring out the window. I know it seems like a classical anime protagonist move but it's not my fault that Im not sociable! I'm probably one of the most unsociable people that you could ever meet.

Now you're wondering where is Tsubaki? Inside my bag? No. Under my desk? No...I don't know

I screwed up big time... But I know for a fact that he cannot have gone too far because of the contract. But I'm not worried...probably. He's the first one to share that house with me for 12 years. Yep pretty depressing alright.

After the bell rang, I ran like there was no tomorrow in order to find my "beloved" vampire friend. I looked at every corner and maybe skipped on a few of the classes while I was at it but that doesn't matter now.

♪('ε` )


With my inhuman hearing ability I heard a familiar name. Tsubakkyun! That's the guy from the new anime that was airing on TV! What was the anime called again? Oh yes, Serzomb! (That's not an actual anime btw)

I felt something heavy on my back all of a sudden. From the sudden action I stumbled and planted face first onto the floor. 'Oh wow my schools' floor is hella clean.' I realized at that moment. But I was too pissed off to say that.

~Who the fu- WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!

I tried to look at the person who was currently sitting on my back, well I tried. Since I was on the floor, I could only see the person from the corner of my eye. It seemed that this person wore a giant hat and his hair was...a dark shade of pink? Just a side note but he was also heavy as fuck. He stopped laughing and looked at my crushed form.

-You're not Tsubakkyun!

~No shit! Get off of me, will you?!

I asked, quite irritated by the fact that he was still sitting on my back. He got off of me [finally] then looked around curiously.

-You smell like Tsubakkyun, but he's not here...you can't be his eve because Tsubakkyun said that he never wanted an eve~

So...this asshole not only sat on me but didn't apologize and compared me to an anime character. Wait a minute. Eve?


He looked at me. He looked shocked.

-Eh? You're still here?

...( ̄ー ̄) I swear to god...

~You asshole!!!

I grabbed him by the collar and then started shaking him like there was no tomorrow.


He made a choking sound and wriggled his arms around looking like a madman who just took drugs.


Out of nowhere, someone came flying across the hallway and kicked the guy from earlier right in the head. I was taken aback by the action so I quickly moved back.

《His Eve》Tsubaki|Servamp|FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now