I Think You're Making A Mistake Janis, A Big One...

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About 5 minutes later, JD and I arrived at the ice cream place. I had already texted everyone but Veronica and Chandler that I had brought JD


Janis: Hi Cady!

Cady: Hi Jan! What is it?

Janis: Just wanted to let you know that I brought someone with me and their in on our revenge plot.

Cady: Oh, who is it?

Janis: It's JD.

Cady: JD! Isn't he Veronica's killer ex boyfriend?

Janis: I mean, I guess, but he came up to me and Regina in the hallway to compliment us on taking down the Heathers and then when Regina left I told him about our revenge and we ended up really hitting it off. He says he's done killing people

Cady: Ok, if you say so...


Janis: Dame?

Damian: Yeah Janis?

Janis: Just wanted to let you know that I'm bringing someone with me to the ice cream shop and they are in on our revenge

Damian: Oh, ok. Who?

Janis: JD

Damian: JD? Is that really a good idea.

Janis: He told me he realized that killing people is a mistake and that he stopped trying to do it

Damian: Ok, then I guess it's ok


Janis: Hey Mac

McNamara: Hey Janis. What is it?

Janis: I just wanted to let you know that I brought a friend with me and he is in on our revenge.

McNamara: Janis, who did you tell?

Janis: JD

McNamara: Janis, he almost killed Chandler, Kurt, and Ram! 

Janis: Don't worry Mac, I set him straight

McNamara: Ok👍


Janis: Hey Heather

Duke: Hi Janis. What do you want?

Janis: Oh, uh, I just wanted to let you know that I have someone else coming to the ice cream place with us and they are in on the revenge.

Duke: Ok, who?

Janis: JD


Janis: Woah, Duke. Calm down. He promised me that he had realized that what he was doing was wrong.

Duke: God, I hope he wasn't lying


JD and I walked in, bracing ourselves for the reactions of Veronica and Chandler. 

I should've texted them.... I thought. When we walked in, everyone other than Veronica and Chandler kept to what they were doing. When Chandler saw JD she looked like she wanted to kill someone, and when Veronica saw him, she just stared shocked.

"What is he doing here?" Chandler spat.

"Janis invited him!" McNamara said.

"Janis, you're crazy!" Veronica said.

"No, no I'm not," I said, "I trusted JD and he said he realized what he was doing was wrong,"

"JD said the same to me after the incident with drain cleaner and Chandler," Veronica said, "And then he turned around and tried to kill two more people!"

"I trust him and you're not gonna stop me!" I said, "And if you wanna stop helping with revenge because he is, that is fine by me, because you can do whatever you want and we'll still have 7 other people in this revenge!" 

"No, I'm still gonna help, because you and Chandler are my friends and Regina hurt you, I just think you're making a mistake Janis. A big one..." Veronica said, "JD, I hope you prove me wrong,"

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