The New Kid/Veronica's Story

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A few days later at school, I was with the Plastics and they were strutting down the hallway like they owned the place and I had to follow. By now, the Heathers had kind of fallen out of power because of the rumor about me and Heather Chandler. Now the Plastics ruled the school just like North Shore. 

Everyone worshipped Regina and when someone walked by me in the hall they told me it was the right decision for me to leave the Heathers and join the Plastics and as far as I knew people said the same thing to Mac. What they didn't know was that every day after school, the Heathers, Veronica, Damian, Caddy, Mac, and I all met at an ice cream place to talk.

"So, have you found anything embarrassing out about Regina?" Damian asked me when I showed up to restaurant. McNamara had been absent to school that day, so, it was up to me to answer all the questions.

"Well, she did say she thought that a guy in her history class was cute. She said he was new at Westerburg today," I said. I knew that wasn't embarrassing, but it was all I had.

"Ooh, what was his name," Veronica sounded interested.

"I think she said it was Jason, but that he went by JD," I said. Then Veronica and Chandler went pale.

"What is it?" I asked, noticing their shocked expressions.

"He was my psychopathic ex-boyfriend. I thought he moved schools," Veronica said.

"Wow, I know he was your ex, so you obviously don't like him very much, but isn't psychopathic a little harsh?" Caddy said.

"He tried to kill me by poisoning me with drain cleaner!" Chandler screamed.

"Ok, not harsh," Caddy corrected herself.

"He tricked me into almost killing 3 people!" Veronica said.

"Ok, I need to hear that story," I said.

"Do I have to tell it?" Veronica asked.

"Yes!" Damian and I said at the same time.

"Ok... well, we met at the beginning of last year, he was new. He kind of started to like me, and I shared the feelings. Then at a party, I was drunk, and I accidentally puked on Heather Chandler. She threatened to ruin me socially, and so I left the party really mad. I snuck into JD's room afterwards-" Veronica started.

"Ooh, what did you do?" Damian asked.

Veronica turned bright red, "Nothing!"

"Sure, sure," Damian smirked.

"Anyways, JD and I planned to prank Chandler the next morning by giving her a really gross drink for breakfast, and so I said milk and orange juice, but JD said drain cleaner. I passed it off as a sick joke, but I still told him no way, because that would kill her. JD, however, proceeded to put the drain cleaner in a mug, and I also put my thing in a mug. I, however, accidentally grabbed the drain cleaner mug and Chandler drunk it. Thankfully it didn't kill her, just put her in the hospital for a few weeks," I said.

"Wow, that is really psychotic. Why didn't you break up with him?" I asked.

"Like I said, I passed it off as an accident. Just a prank gone wrong ," Veronica continued, "Anyway, later in the year, two of the jocks spread an awful rumor about me, and so JD and I plotted a 'prank'. We were gonna knock them out for just long enough for me to be able to forge a suicide note passing them off as homophobic gay lovers. JD said he had these special bullets called ích luge bullets-"

"A shame you didn't know German," I stated.

"Why is that?" Veronica asked.

"'Ich luge' means "I lied' in German," I said.

"Oh my God! I really wish I knew that... anyway, when it came to the day of the prank, JD and I shot our bullets and we both luckily missed. When I saw the bullets come out of the gun I was somehow able to tell that they were real bullets and that's when I realized JD was psychotic and broke up with him. But then JD tried to blow up the whole school during an assembly and frame it as a mass suicide. Luckily, I was there just in time and I almost died for the sake of Westerburg, but instead, JD, who still practically worshipped me, almost blew up himself for me, but I was able to stop the bomb instead. I got back together with him and tried going to therapy with JD but it didn't change anything. I realized that he was far to damaged and I couldn't provide enough help for him,  and so I broke up with him again, and he was so devastated that he convinced his father to move away," Veronica finished.

"Wow, that is one eventful junior year..." Damian said.

"Yeah, and now I guess he's back," Veronica said, "Just, word of advice, all of you stay away from him. Normally I wouldn't give anything what happens to the Plastics, but this is a special case and I still don't want them dead. Warn them about JD, and make sure Regina doesn't date him," Veronica said.

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