Battle Plan

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"Who could possibly help us other than Duke, McNamara, and Veronica?" Chandler asked.

I smiled widely, "You'll see!". I ran down the hallway to the art room where Caddy and Damian were still sitting. 

"Guys!" I yelled, startling both of them.

"God, you scared me!" Damian cried.

"Sorry Damian," I said. 

"What is it Janis?" He asked.

"Heather and I," I said.

"What happened?" Damian asked.

"Are y'all- are y'all dating or something?" Caddy asked.

"Oh, heck no. I'll explain what happened in a second. Just come with me," I said. I ran out the door into the hallway and Damian and Caddy followed. I went to where Heather and I had been standing, and I found her there along with Veronica, Duke, and McNamara.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"What took you so long?" Duke asked.

"I had to get these people to help us," I said.

"Can someone tell me what's going on!" Damian said.

"Long story short: Regina spread a rumor that Chandler and I were lesbian for each other," I said.

"Aw, Janis. I'm so sorry. I thought Regina was over ruining people's lives," Damian said, as he hugged me. 

"I know. We're trying to plan revenge. Can you help us?" I asked.

"You know I'm always up for some sweet revenge!" Damian said, a smirk forming on his face.

"Good," I said, "Anyone got any ideas?" 

Caddy spoke up, "We could beat her at her own game and spread an even worse rumor about the Plastics," 

"No. That's stooping down to her level," I said, "That's the last thing we wanna do,"

"Ok... Well, anyone have a better idea?" Caddy asked.

"Maybe we could...uh... yeah, I've got nothing," Damian said.

"That's helpful," Chandler rolled her eyes.

"Oh and you've got an idea?" Damian asked.

"No, but I'm not trying to make everyone think that I do just to let them down!" Chandler fired back.

"I was just trying to think of something!" Damian yelled.

"Out loud?" Chandler asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you got a problem with that?" Damian asked.

"Yeah, it's annoying!" Chandler yelled.

"You need to be annoyed less easily!" Damian yelled in response. Then Chandler flung her fist at Damian's face, but I caught it midair, before it hit him.

"Chandler! Damian! Fighting is not going to help our cause!" I yelled.

"Whatever," Duke said, "I was enjoying watching it," 

"You're telling me you were enjoying watching you're friend almost punch your other friend in the face?" I asked.

"Ok, first of all Damian is not my friend. I hardly know him. Secondly, fair point," Duke said.

"Ok, now back to the point. How are we gonna get revenge on Regina?" Caddy cut in.

"Let's see, we could destroy her from the inside?" McNamara suggested.

"And how are we gonna do that?" Chandler asked.

"I think I have an idea," I smirked.

"What would that be, my dear Janis?" Damian asked, dramatically.

"Ok, for one thing, Damian, don't ever do that again. Secondly, I think we should have one of us pretend to be friends with Regina, and they should work their way into the Plastics. By getting themselves into the Plastics, they can then trick Regina into thinking that they are her friend, get close to Regina and do things to her without her knowing and being able to prevent it," I explained.

"Sounds good to me," Chandler said.

"Great plan!" McNamara said.

"I like... Wait a second. Doesn't this sound a little familiar?" Damian said.

"Ok, fine. Maybe I took this from last year's plan for revenge," I said.

"Janis, is that really a good-" Caddy started

"But we won't do anything with a Kalteen Bar and we'll do even better than last year," I cut her off.

"Ok, fine. Who's gonna to pretend to join the Plastics? It couldn't be Damian since he's a boy, and it couldn't be me, because Regina still hates me about last year," Caddy said.

"It also couldn't be me or Chandler because we're the ones the rumor is about," I said.

"That's true. So that leaves it up to Duke or McNamara," Damian said.

"Ooh! I'll do it!" McNamara jumped up and down in excitement.

"Ok," Duke said, "I didn't wanna do it anyway," 

"Ok, so you're gonna have to sit with the Plastics at lunch and hang out with them after school if you really want them to think you're their friend," I said.

Caddy thought back to the events of the past year, "And make sure you don't turn Plastic along the way,"

"Got it!" McNamara said.

"Guys, look at the time! It's 7:00 at night! I should really get home," Damian said.

"Wow, time really does fly. I should go to," I said, and I walked away and out of the school building. I knew my mom would be wondering where I had been, but I wasn't thinking about that. I smiled. I knew that this revenge was gonna go even better than last year. This was gonna get interesting.

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