Too Gay to Function

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I went to school the next day with very mixed emotions. I was excited because I knew Damian would be here today, but then also there were still the Heathers and the Plastics. I already knew that the war between them was not gonna end well.

I walked into school that day and I looked around the entire building for Damian because I couldn't wait any longer to see my best friend of forever. I didn't find him, so I went ahead and went to my first period, and waited out that long boring class talking to Caddy. I waited out a long boring day at school. Then I got to go to seventh period, which was art. The only period I liked. When I got to class, there was Caddy. 

"Hey Caddy," I said.

"Hey Jay," She said.

"So, isn't Damian supposedly starting here today?" I asked.

"Yeah, he should be," Caddy said.

"Well, has he texted you anything about it?" I asked.

"No," Caddy answered simply.

"Well, does he know that I go here?" I asked.

"No," Caddy said.

"Good. I wanna keep it a surprise," I said. 

Then we heard footsteps walking into the art room, "Keep what a surprise?"

I whipped my head around, "Damian, finally!" 

"Janis?" He asked, "Since when did you go here?"

"I went here way before Caddy came, if you're thinking that she planned this," I said.

"Well, actually, no I wasn't thinking that, but anyway, I thought you had moved to New York, not Ohio!" 

"Who told you that?" I asked. 

"Gretchen!" Damian said.

"And you believed her? That was easily another one of the rumors she started," I said.

"Okay, you have a point," He said. Then Heather Chandler came rushing into the art room.


"Who is that?" Damian asked.

I rolled my eyes, "Heather.. I better go," I said, as I walked into the hallway to find Chandler. When I found her, she was with Veronica, Duke, and McNamara. Her mascara was running down her face since she had been crying.

"Chandler? What's going on?" I asked, shocked to see her so upset looking.

"It's Regina... Sh-she ruined me..." Chandler said, through tears.

Janis: The New Heather(Heathers x Mean Girls)Where stories live. Discover now