"Yeah." He says lost in thought, then looks at me. "We need a plan to keep you more under the radar. At least for the moment, until we have a better handle on the situation. If the rogues are interested in you, then hiding you more should deter them." Alpha Matthew's states. My brows scrunch in anger. Hide me? I don't like where this is going. Reagan scoffs surprising me.

"What is she going to do? Live under a rock for the rest of her life? She has done that for the past ten years of her life..." She looks at me apologetically, "Sorry," She whispers. I shrug with a soft smile. "But that isn't a way for a person to live. Especially once she becomes more involved in the pack." I don't say anything but nod my agreement. Alpha Matthew huffs.

"What other ideas are there? There isn't much more we can do." Alpha Matthew muses. I sit back in my chair, thoughts now consuming my mind. I'm sure this was never a problem before I came. Sure, there was still the occasional rogue, but not to this extent. And now I'm adding just another obstacle to their plate.

'Stop being a burden and come up with a solution.' My father's voice rings in my head. I swear it's like he never left. My mind reels, I don't want to hide for the rest of my life. I'm done hiding.

"A cloaking spell," I say, looking up with a smile. Alpha Matthews's eyes go wide.

"That would involve a-" I cut him off.

"A witch. Yes, but it can mask any scent, and make me virtually invisible. And I know one! Her name is Collet she-." I say excitedly, proud of my idea. A solution, and a good one at that... but I'm cut off. Reagan doesn't look amused, no one in the room does.

"Em, witches... they aren't good creatures." Reagan merely whispers to me, I go to say something, but am quickly cut off by Corban, who heard Reagan's statement.

"They're more than that, their slimy tricksters who make deals and create lifetime debts." Rylan adds.

"Those are bats." I sneer.

"A witch was the one who saved me. She made me immune to the radiation and took me in as one of her own. Gave me food, shelter, hell, even love! If you have your heart set on witches being bad along with bats, fine, but not all of them. Collet saved my life." Corban's features soften, but I'm too riled up. I know I don't take rejection well, but I can't help it. I can't help it because it makes me feel like the little girl getting scolded for wearing the wrong dress all over again. It resurfaces, too much too fast.

"I don't know what I'm even doing here because we are clearly on opposing sides." I say and walk out. I should not have to defend myself to them. I hear Corban and Reagan calling after me, but I don't listen.

I never listen. my father's voices fill my mind again. 'Open your ears for once in your pathetic life Ember.' He would sigh in disappointment. I shake my head, and walk faster just to ram into a chest. I stumble but don't fall because of two strong arms holding mine firmly in place. I look up to see Easton.

"Whoa... hey Ember. What's wrong?" Everything now that I have been here, I thought. "Are you okay?" he adds. I plaster a smile on my face.

"Yeah, I just need some air." He raises a questioning brow. And Corban's voice fills the hallway. I still have so much to ask him, just him, not him and a room of two other people.

"Ember!" He yells as he jogs up to us. He lets out a breath as do I. "What happened back there? Are you okay." He asks. He looks genuinely concerned, but also like he knows a little of what is going on. I feel like my inner thoughts are on my sleeve for him to openly read. Like I can't hide anything from him. That has to be the bond. The bond that I still feel like I know nothing about.

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