19| Empty Pools

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Should I go?

I just finished taking a bath and anytime soon Eris will show up. She told me we're going to go outside the manor. Finally, this could be my chance. She planned to purchase something and she didn't hesitate to invite me going out with her.

At last...

I think it's the perfect time I've been waiting for.

Watching myself in front of a mirror while plotting an opportunity to escape, I can't believe such luck is coming on my way. It's been five years and Lord Ronin hasn't returned yet. My wish has been granted I can never thank enough whoever listened to my plea.

I didn't even saw that cold blooded assassin since that morning in pavilion. They're both gone and took their traces along them. I didn't really mind about it before but it gradually became a big puzzle to me. I'm wondering where that pair of devil have been pillaging right now.

I've been doing a furtive survey throughout the whole vicinity. While strolling, I've been trying my best to locate a probable exit but unfortunately—I can't find it.

Sometimes while I walked farther on one of my escaping attempt, it's frustrating to find my only progress was walking in a boundless zone as if I'm treading inside a loop. I couldn't reach any border no matter how much I tried. I don't know how to explain it but I've been walking endlessly like I've been trudging in circles. I can always find myself returning back at where I've been —same spot as if I've never stepped away. It totally proves this whole place is heavily enchanted and no one is allowed to go outside.

At a limited time I could allow to check for possible escape route, it took a lot of caution to avoid being noticed. And based on my multiple undertakings I could say I'm stuck within a heavily spelled huge cage—only heaven knows where that probable exit it might be.

The vastness of this so-called cage is like an infinite ground to my sight.

And that mysterious and monstrous snow-capped mountain at a distance, I've been trying to reached even its base but I found out it's inaccessible. I spent almost half a day to get closer at least but to no avail. It's like a mirage and I don't know how many days I should take to reach even its base.

Eris called that eldritch mountain as the high mountains of Calrassus when she caught me staring with curiosity. There's a mysterious glint in her eyes as if she knows what's on my mind.

So I tried to be more careful and discreet from that day on. Though, I am free to do what I want I can always sense that there's someone who's been watching me around. I can't afford to ruin my long time plan from getting away again.

It's impossible. I know it is.

It's dispiriting as well.

It's been five years and till now I'm stuck in this Manor.

But today, it could be different.

Finally, Eris is going to open that hidden door for me.

It's been a while Eris had been a good companion to me every day. She taught me anything I could ever wish for. I'm hoping she could help me.

"Hey! Good morning, Yenaery!" Eris barged in the door unceremoniously. She always came to my room without bothering to knock as if doors don't exist in her sight. Her bright smile is always like sunshine. Who would dare to get annoyed?

"Hi..." Looking her through the mirror, she looks resplendent in her silky and exquisite tangerine gown. At a ray of morning light seeping through slightly-opened window, her translucent complexion became more spotless from her perfect style of dress. She really looks like a forest fairy with her shimmering green eyes I couldn't help pondering she might really be.

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