6| Exceptional Prowess

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He's laughing tauntingly.

"I don't think so. You didn't even look affected from it. You didn't show any trace of concern. You don't really care for your dear sister, do you?"

Somehow, he's right.

I don't care at all. I paid more attention how he wields his skill. I didn't even try to stop him mistreating Lady Hanaya. He deliberately played his own game when he purposely dropped her in a rough manner. I saw the impact and how her body bounces in the ground.

"See?" He teases. "You don't really care."

I don't care at all seeing Lady Hanaya lying senseless in the ground. It took someone's sadistic ways before I realize that I'm cruel as him. I can't bring out any coherent words to repudiate his keen perception.

"How could you say this game was cruel? I know how you liked it-and you enjoyed every little scene from the very start..." He taunted as he steps closer.

"It's sickening to witness people being mistreated."

"Are you sure?" He's now one step away. I probably look like a midget against his towering height. The thin gap between us is suffocating. "We both know you're not. I won't mind if you'd like me to prove it again."

"Don't," I mean it, I don't want him to go on his game.

"Are you sure?" He bends his head over. "Don't worry, she will never know it—unless you tell her."

Letting out a gasp, I've never been with anyone who approaches me like this. "W–why are you hovering over me? Back away." I heard myself stuttered as his strong presence getting nearer inch by inch. I feel so trapped when there's no more space to move back. I found myself cornered between him and a wall—and I've been holding my breath. I even felt my heart skips a beat. Why I'm being like this?

I'm incapable of emotions, I'm not supposed to get affected and intimidated. I've never been afraid for so long. It's been many years and nothing scares me anymore.

Totally became aware of him, his proximity and his striking aura that seems to muddle my pea-sized brain. I wonder what he's going to do since he seems someone who does things as he pleases. "Move back."

He chuckles. "Looks like you'll never fail to intrigue me."

In a deafening silence, slowly, he run a finger almost too close to my arm. I couldn't take my eyes off. He's not touching me yet I can barely feel its warmth in my skin. Pondering what was his intent, I felt so trapped between him and an uneven wall.

In a stifling moment, I saw a well-crafted dagger suddenly appears on his hand. Its faint gleam seems appealing to my eyes. My blood rushed at the sight of it. Is he going to kill me? I feel this strange anticipation again.

His skills are impressive. It's beyond magic. His illusionary tricks are fascinating and I'm not even afraid of it. I can't help myself being enchanted by his exceptional prowess. How could he able to make me feel threatened and fascinated at the same time? I wanted to run but I'm being enthralled—like a moth to a flame. I'm aware how dangerous he is but he's like an irresistible fire.

As he slowly trails the dagger along my shoulder, its coldness seeps through my dress. I didn't dare to breathe when it reaches at my collarbone. My blood rushes more upon the anticipation of being able to feel the dagger in my skin. I know it's gross but it's fascinating, I'm waiting for it to prick me.

"Forgive my intrusion, my Lord."

It snaps me back to my senses. I tried to move away but he barred his arm to entrap me. I couldn't even take a glimpse at the man behind him.

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