Chapter 9

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"I don't think I'll ever get tired of the wind blowing in my face," I said, turning to Martha as she leaned against the railing with me. "I love the wind in my face just as much as the next person, but it's the seasickness that gets to me." She said, making a face. I laughed "yeah, I completely get that, but at the same time, I feel like I could get used to it."Martha smiled at me then looked at the sky.

"The sky is so blue here, and you can actually see it, unlike at Tortuga." I nodded. "I'm so glad we got off that island. We didn't belong there at all." "You're right," Martha said, hugging me "thank you for convincing me to leave. It's the best decision I've ever made." "Of course, I'm here anytime you need something. I love you, girl" I hugged her back tightly. "I love you too.""I must admit I am a little jealous hearing you tell someone that who isn't me."

We both turned to see a smiling Jacob. I laughed "slow your roll, tiger, you've only known each other a week." He smirked at Martha "sometimes, that's all it takes" she blushed and looked away shyly. I rolled my eyes with a smile. "I'll leave you two alone. I'm going to see if I can convince Gibs to let me steer since Jack's still sleeping.""It's been 5 hours. I've never known the Captain to sleep so long during the day, especially on a voyage like this." Jacob said, looking a little concerned.

I smiled at him. "I wouldn't worry too much. He'll come up when he's ready. He knows if he comes up here stumbling about and getting in the way, I'll take him right back down." Martha laughed. "You are one of a kind girl. You're the only person I know who'd tell the Captain of the ship you're riding on what to do." I smiled and winked "that's me." I heard Martha giggling and Jacob chuckling as I walked up the stair to Gibs.

"Why hello, little lady, what can I do for ya?" He said, giving me a friendly smile. I smiled back "well, I was wondering if I could maybe steer the ship?" I asked cautiously. "You really like doing that, don't ya?" He said, chucking a taking a step back. I laughed. "I really do, I don't know what it is, but it's so relaxing and makes you feel so powerful."Gibs nodded "indeed it does, which is why I'm surprised the Captain let you steer so early into the voyage. He usually doesn't let a crew member, much less a passenger, steer until at least their 2nd week." "Really?" I asked, confused "then why did he let me steer on only my 3rd day?" He shrugged "it's the Captain. Nobody ever really knows what's going on in that head of his." We both laughed.

"So what's it like being in Jack's crew?" I asked, scanning the deck. "Well, you never know what to expect. One day you're running away from someone, the next you're chasing someone, and others days were hunting for treasure," he chuckled. "Oh wow, sounds like an adventurous life," I said, laughing with him. He nodded "aye that it is, but we usually get done what we set out to do, even if it's in the most unusual way possible. The Captain is very headstrong, so whatever he puts his mind to gets done, and he doesn't let anyone or anything get in his way" I nodded.

"Jack is definitely one of the most stubborn people I ever met," Gibs smirked at my comment. "I'd say you two are about tied for most stubborn. I've never seen someone challenge the Captain like you have and succeed." "Well, someone needs to set him straight once in a while," I said, shrugging. "I couldn't agree more," Gibs said, patting my shoulder. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some crew members to yell at." He walked off, calling one of the crew members names. I chuckled to myself, focusing on steering the ship.

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