Chapter 1

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Ok, so before you start this story, let's all just admire the pictures above.... (For those of you who don't have Wi-Fi, I strongly suggest you do it when you get some). I will give you a warning this will probably be bad because this is my first fanfic like EVER. So with that in mind, enjoy entering the world of Pirates of the Caribbean.

"This is crazy," I muttered to myself, returning behind the counter after serving some cocky men their beer. "Oh, come on, sweetheart... I'll make it worth it," One of the men said with a wink. I scoffed at him with a look of disgust. This was my normal life—the one I wished to escape. I'm 28, and I work at the Captain's Daughter, one of the biggest bars in Tortuga, so I was used to this type of behavior. You might be wondering why I worked here if I didn't like it....... Well, I'm waiting for my prince to come and sweep me off my feet, and we ride off into the sunset. NOT. I know that life doesn't work that way. I laughed quietly as I pictured myself in a big poofy princess dress. Like that would ever happen, I thought, shaking my head.

The door slammed, signaling that more customers had arrived. I looked down as I walked to the table, knowing that looking up I would mean inviting some disturbing comments from the other customers. When I reached the table, I looked up for the first time. I gasped. Pirates that was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw them. "umm, w-what can I get you today" I stuttered for a second. Gosh, that sounded stupid, I thought to myself, "Rum," one of them said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. I looked up to see who had spoken. Wow, I thought he looks amazing. He had a bandana around his head, and a captain hat on his hair was in dreadlocks, and he had a mustache. He had a white shirt with a black coat and brown boots "See something you like, love?" He asked with a dashing grin on his face.

My eyes widened, embarrassed that he had caught me staring "How many cups of rum will that be?" I asked, ignoring his comment. He smirked "1 for me and 4 for my crew," He says, pointing to the other 4 people at the table. I nodded "ok...... I'll be back with your order in a few minutes," I said, walking off. When I reached the counter. I grabbed 7 cups and filled them up to the brim with beer. "Martha, I'll be right back," I said to one of my close friends who also worked at the bar with me. "Ok," she said as I walked back to the table with the pirates. I put the cups on the table with a loud crash. The head of the pirate in charge snapped up. "Your drinks," I said, sliding the drinks to everyone "You got the order wrong," He said with a pointed look. I sat down with a cup in one hand and slid the other one to him. "You look like the type of fellow who enjoys rum," I said, taking a gulp from my cup. He raised an eyebrow "is that so?" He said, studying me as his eyes seemed to stare into my soul. "You must be very observant," he said, taking a gulp of rum. "I don't seem to be the only one," I replied. He chuckled and then smirked "I suppose not."

"By the way, I never got your name," I said, leaning towards him to hear his answer. "The name's Jack Sparrow," He said, tipping his hat. "Roxane Hawkbill," I said with a nod. "Hawkbill" That's an unusual name, he said, stroking his mustache. "I get that a lot," I said, shrugging. He was silent for a few minutes. I waved my hand in front of his face. He didn't respond. "Are you ok?" I asked, touching his shoulder. He blinked and looked down at where I was touching his shoulder. I quickly moved my hand. Something that seemed like disappointment flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared. "Are you ok? You seemed miles away", I asked curiously. He nodded and started to drink his second cup of rum.

"So," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Why did you decide to sit with us the thieving, lying, cheating, scallywag pirates?" He said, getting closer to each adjective and finally stopping inches from my face. I swallowed "Well.." I said, trying to get my brain to work but failing due to how close he was. He leaned back in his chair and chuckled. "Not as tough as you look," He said with a grin. I narrowed my eyes "I need an adventure." I smiled "and you would be the perfect opportunity to escape from this disgusting excuse for an island." I said, finishing my rum. "And what makes you think I'm willing to help?" He said, putting his elbows on the table and leaning forward. "The fact that you are low on rum and that I could fill your ship with more than you could drink," I said with a sly grin. He looked surprised but quickly covered it. "What makes you think I'm low on drink?" He asked. I grinned "The fact that you stopped here at Tortuga and have been eyeing the barrels of rum behind the counter that you plan to steal." I said, leaning closer to his ear "I got you all figured out," I whispered. He shivered and started to lean towards me. I chuckled softly. "Who's tough now?" I whispered, pulling away slowly.

I turned to look at the 4 crew members who stared at me with their jaws touching the floor. I turned to look at Jack. I gasped silently. He was now looking at me, but instead of his usual light brown eyes, they were now a dark brown and held an emotion I had seen many times. "Jack?" He blinked and cleared his throat. "I don't think it would be the best idea for you to sail with my crew and me," he said, turning away slightly. My eyes widened "but I need to leave this place... I have no purpose here." I pleaded. He shook his head. "Let's go, mates," he said, turning to his crew. "Wait!" I said, stumbling after them. Jack turned around "sorry, love, but as my first mate always said, it's bad luck to have a lady on board." He bowed, tipped his hat, and walked out the door.

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