Chapter 2

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I bit my lip to keep from screaming in frustration. I walked back to the table and picked up the cups. As I walked to the counter, I thought of a way to escape. I couldn't sail a ship all by myself. I knew the basics, but I couldn't handle everything. As I tried to, I finished washing the cups the door opened. I looked up. I smiled as I saw some soldiers walking in. I dried my hands on my apron "Martha," I called, looking at my friend who was across the room. She turned to see what I was looking at; she smiled and nodded. "Go," she mouthed. I smiled, slipping off my apron and walking out the door.

Once the Captain's Daughter was out of sight, I started to jog. Within minutes I had reached the dock. There she is, I thought, stopping to admire the ship that was docked. I walked over to the ship; there was no reason to be careful since this side of the island was only used for soldiers. The soldiers were probably drunk in a bar. I climbed up onto the ship and headed the helm (the steering wheel). Placing my hands on the wheel, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The wind blew in my face, and the sound of the ocean almost made it seem real. I opened my eyes and smiled. Letting go of the wheel, I headed to the mast. There was a rope hanging down from the mainsail. I grabbed hold of the rope and started to climb. Reaching the top, I grabbed ahold of the post and leaned out. "yo ho, yo ho, it's a pirate's life for me," I sang quietly. I slid down the rope using my dress to cover my hands. "Goodbye till next time," I said, rubbing the railing as I walked to the dock.

I turned to at the ship look for what might be the last time. I felt someone's presence behind me. I stiffened. "We leave at 7 am tomorrow," He said. I gasped "What made you change your mind?" I asked, turning around to face Jack. "Anyone who loves the sea as much as you was made to be on a ship," He said, staring into my eyes. I smiled "Thank you," I said so softly I didn't think he heard it. "You're welcome, mate." That's when it hit me. "Wait, how did you know I was here? How do you know I love the sea so much?" I said. He smirked. "Well, following you was easy. And I must say you put on quite a show up there, love." "You were watching me!" I narrowed my eyes. "That I was," I let out a breath. "7 am, you said?" I asked. He nodded "aye." "I'll see you then," I said, turning and walking off to gather the very little things I had.

"About the rum," He said as he jogged to catch up with me. "Yes?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "My men will be picking it up in the morning after you get it outside." "What! You're crazy if you think I can get all that rum outside by myself without anyone noticing!" I shrieked, "Crazy people don't know they're crazy. I know I'm crazy. Therefore I'm not crazy, isn't that crazy?" Jack said cocking his head to one side. I furrowed my brow and repeated what he said in my head. "Well, you might not be crazy, but your idea certainly is," I replied once I understood what he said. He looked surprised and then smiled. "Well, aren't you smart" I smiled "That I am, mate" I winked and turned, walking off. 

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