Chapter 7

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The moment the door opened, Martha rushed onto the deck, her eyes scanning the crew. She finally spotted who she was looking for and smiled. She waved at me before walking off. I went over to the side of the ship to see the water. In the distance, I saw dolphins jumping in and out of the water. I gasped in delight "wow," I breathed. I closed my eyes the way I had so many times when I was trapped on Tortuga.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You were right, Ma-Cotton. " I corrected. "There is nothing that compares to this." Then I turned to him. He was smiling at me, his eyes shining in silent laughter. "What? What's so funny?" I asked. He pointed to his tongue, trying to remind me he couldn't speak. I gave him a look. "Speaking isn't the only way to communicate. That is unless you forgot our lessons." I said, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head. "Then come" I grabbed him by the wrist and lead him to the stairs. "Stay here," I commanded.

I quickly ran down the steps and into my room. I looked through my bag till I found what I was looking for. I quickly ran out and up the stairs. Cotton was still standing there. I got it, I said, holding up a pen, ink, and notepad. He followed me to the side of the ship. I handed him the pen and notepad. I opened the ink and held it for him to dip the pen in. He looked around to make sure that no one was watching and quickly dipped the pen in and started to write.

He handed me the notepad when he finished and grabbed the ink so that I had both hands to read with. I glanced at the page it said: How is your family? "Your handwriting is good," I said, smiling. "And the answer to your question is Nicole, Charles, and Abigail is good. My mother is also doing fine; she's coping. My father...." I trailed off my throat, suddenly feeling tight. Cotton gave me a worried look. "I'm fine," I said, shaking my head. "H-He passed away 2 years after you left. I sailed to Tortuga 3 years later. I was there for 4 years." I said, registering the shock in Cotton's eyes.
"My mother has been sending me letters. Nicole is 25 now. She is 3 years younger than me as you know. Charles and Abigail recently turned 22. They are growing up so fast. Charles is training to be a salesman like Father. Nicole has been happily married for 2 years and Abigail is being pursued by some of the finest men in town." I looked down. "I guess that makes me the only disappointment," I said with sadness creeping into my voice. Cotton put his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in for a hug. I returned it remembering the days we spent together with my father. I felt tears in my eyes and quickly blinked them away.

I pulled away and put a smile on my face."Thank you, Cotton. You were always good at listening." I realized what I said and gasped, "oh Cotton, I didn't mean it that way..." I trailed off. His eyes held the laughter he couldn't express. He waved his hand as a way of telling me not to worry. I heard footsteps walking up behind me. I turned around and saw Jack only a few feet away from us. "Oh, hello Jack," I said, wiping my eyes to make sure no stray tears had escaped.

He looked between me and Cotton in confusion. "I hope I'm not interrupting something," he said, gesturing with his hands and staggering. I shook my head "no, not at all." After a couple of minutes, we were all standing there, and Jack still hasn't moved. "Do you need something?" I asked. "Yes, actually" he swayed a bit, causing me and Cotton to grab onto one arm each. He shook us off. "I'm not a child learning to walk; I'm a captain," he said, slurring his words. I nodded, holding in a laugh, "of course." I glanced at Cotton and saw him serious as can be. "What is it you need?" I encouraged.

Jack blinked and then shook his head. "I need... more rum." My eyes widened slightly. "Haven't you had enough rum? You can hardly stand now." Jack gave me a shocked look. "There's never enough rum." He said, sticking a finger up in the air. "I believe there is, and I also believe you crossed that line a while ago." I took his arm gently. "I'm taking you to your room to sleep. I don't care whether you're captain or not. You're bound to fall overboard or get in the way. Though I have no idea how you haven't done it yet."

I led him towards the door going below the deck. I called Gibs and made a motion that I was putting Jack to sleep. Gibs modded gratefully and continued to steer the ship. Once we reached go bottom of the stairs, I hesitated. "Which way is your room?" I asked, looking up at Jack. "Follow me," he said, taking a step forward and leading the way.

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