Chapter 13

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I woke up the next morning with a slight headache. I vaguely remembered chugging rum and stumbling to my room but I felt as though there was an important piece of the puzzle missing. Martha was already up and getting ready for the day. However she turned around when she heard me slowly emerge from under the covers. "I hope you slept well after the crazy night you had" she said giggling.

I groaned in response and stood up slowly. "I haven't drank that much since I won the drinking competition at the pub" I said rubbing my eyes. She nodded "I remember that, I had to almost carry you home." I smiled "well you looked beautiful doing it" I responded winking at her. She rolled her eyes "flirting with me isn't going to get me to carry you up the stairs, and don't even try the pouty face because that doesn't work on me either." I sighed loudly as I walked towards the mirror.

I began to brush my hair and apply a slight amount of makeup so I didn't look as hungover as I felt. I picked a dress that complimented my eyes and started to walk towards the door. "Here use some of this" Martha said handing me a small bottle of perfume. I sprayed some and handed it back. "Thank you" I said giving her a hug. We locked arms and walked out of the room together.

When we reached the deck we parted ways. Martha begin to walk towards Jacob while I began to walk towards Jonathan. Jonathan was standing at the railing looking out towards the ocean. "Hey, stranger" he said when he noticed me heading in his direction. "Hey" was my response as I leaned on the railing. "I don't know how you're able to be in the sunlight standing up right now with how hungover you must be from last night" he said looking at me with surprise. I shrugged "It definitely sucks but I've done worse while being hungover." Jonathan nodded and continued to stare at the ocean. I couldn't explain it but there was something different about the way his body language was around me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked. He looked at me in surprise "I don't know how to explain it, but something between us feels different and not in a good way and I don't want to lose one of the best friendships I've had-" "Roxanne" he said putting a stop to my rambling. I looked at him waiting for him to speak. He sighed before continuing "there is something different but it's not your fault. I think I started to get the wrong idea about where our relationship would go and that is not your fault. But after what I saw last night I have a lot of thinking to do." I looked at his in shock processing everything that he said. "I'm sorry Jonathan I hope we are still able to be friends I never meant to hurt you and you're a nice guy I just..." I trailed off.

"You don't need to explain anything I talked with Martha and Jacob last night after I made sure you made it to your room safe and Martha told me that you weren't looked to pursue anything but friendship with me. And after what I saw I can understand why." He said with a soft smile. I was confused "what did you see?" I tried even harder to remember the missing puzzle piece but it was all a blur. "Do you really not remember?" He said looking puzzled, I shook my head. "Between you and the captain....." he trailed off. I concentrated, walking through step-by-step what happened on my way to the room. Then all of a sudden it hit me. I covered my mouth while I gasped. "That wasn't a dream!??" I said looking at Jonathan in shock. He chuckled quietly "no it was not."

I leaned against the railing groaning "I can't believe I did that" I said covering my face with my hands. "I don't believe Jack would be very happy with how horrified you are over this. He must not be a good kisser." He said chuckling. I shook my head "no it's not that. I just can't believe I'm moving on so fast. I promised I myself I would take time to mourn and that I wouldn't pursue another relationship again but here I am pursing someone who is bound to break my heart." I tried to blink back the tears forming in my eyes. "Hey, it's ok to feel the emotions you're feeling. You don't have to push them away just to seem tough" he said pulling me in for a hug. I accepted and quietly sobbed into his chest. Soon it turned into quiet laughter.

"What's so funny?" He asked chuckling with me. "I barely ever cry in front of people, but here I am doing it more in 2 weeks than I have in most of my life." "Well I'm glad you found somewhere comfortable to do it" he said smiling softly. "Are we ok?" I said looking up at him. He nodded "yeah, we're fine I just need it get over myself. We can still be friends but it will just take me a couple days to get back into our normal interactions." "I'm so glad we can still be friends" I said giving him a short hug which he returned. "Me too, now what do you plan to do about the captain." "I might not have to do anything. Maybe I'll get lucky and he won't remember anything."

At that moment Jack burst through the doors and emerged on to the deck. He scanned the deck until his eyes landed on me and then quickly headed in my direction. "I don't think he forgot." Jonathan whispered while slowly backing away and heading toward another area of the ship. My breath caught in my throat seeing the glint in his eyes. When he finally reached me and stopped inches away it took everything in me to continue breathing. It felt like there was something in the air between us that was not there before. Or might have been there and was not as strong until now.

Jack sparrow X OC (SLOW UPDATES)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora