Chapter Three

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I lock myself into the bathroom and finally take a minute or two to regain my breath. My heart is practically jumping out of my chest and I can't possibly imagine what's going through Cayden's brain right now.

Half an hour later, I manage to curl the ends of my hair and put on some black leggings and a top before Sky is at the door. Weston and Cayden are still in the living room and I will make it my mission to stay away from them until he leaves. I hastily guide Sky upstairs and inform her of my current situation and with that being the kind of friend she is, she laughs and tells me it isn't a big deal.

"So your telling me he was behind your brother at the door?" Skylar erupts into a huge ball of laughter and I can't help but laugh at myself too.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying." I run a hand through my hair while she goes in for a hug.

"It's going to be fine, let me get your makeup done and we will find away to sort your strange encounter with bad boy." She reassures me before instructing for me to close my eyelids.
After what seems like hours later, I slip on my wine coloured low cut dress and some matching stilettos heels and a splash of coloured lipstick. My mum would never condone me at late night party especially on a school night, but Mum and Dad aren't around because some work had to be done in New York.

However, Skylar looks like an absolute Greek goddess sent from the heavens. She had a black lacy long dress that slid effortlessly down the middle of her thigh. The dress had the perfectly the right tightness as it hugged her curves wonderfully and just so beautifull.

"You ready Ness?" She shouts over to the bathroom door while I readjust a pair of golden hoop earrings and a necklace.

"Yes, I'm coming!" I unlock the bathroom door and we both link arms to ascend down the stairs. I'm not going to lie, I was a bit wobbly down the stairs while Sky is a pro. I don't really find the need to wear heels but if I'm going somewhere nice I like to make an effort.

"Sky." I whisper in her ear so she could slow down.

"What is it?" She abruptly halts while looking around.

"He's still here." I blurt out and both of our eyes move to where Cayden and my brother are sitting. Without hesitation, Skylar grips my hand and continues to quicken her pace down the stairs and into the living room. Out of all the rooms in this house, and I mean we have loads of rooms this is the one that I dislike of them all.

"Let's show off our dresses!" Sky squeals in excitement, I think she has basically lost the plot.

Don't look at him I keep telling myself that he will disappear in a couple of hours and I will never see his face.

"Bryce! I'm going to a party with Skylar. I'm not sure what time we will be back so don't stay up!" In one swift move I quickly kiss his cheek and that's when he pulls on my elbow. And that's when I know that I am not going anywhere tonight.

"I'm worried for you Ness, I'm your big brother and I want to protect you from anything possible. And I know that College people can be assholes. So to be better safe than sorry I have decided that Cayden a good friend of mine will accompany you to this party." He evilly places his hand on my shoulder and I can practically feel the steam of frustration coming out of my ears. Why is here right now? Is it to ruin my life?

"Cayden get your lazy ass here!" Bryce calls out  from the kitchen and I can hear faint footsteps coming nearer and nearer. Great, now the egotistical and big headed boy is going to think that I'm too weak to go to a party by myself. Maybe I've got the wrong perspective or maybe I'm being to judgemental but the one thing running through my head is that he broke someone's nose. That is not a usual occurrence here in Riverwood college nor this area in England.

"How may I owe this pleasure." The snarky familiar voice speaks up. Once he sees me and Skylar in our dresses he instantly rolls his emerald green eyes at us and goes to lean against the worktop next to where I'm standing. Which I'm going to lie, is a bit creepy and I've never really spoken to him but somehow I feel a sense of warmness.

"You know my Sister Nessa don't you?" Bryce opens his big mouth again and I just wish that he would stop humiliating me right now. Of course he knows me! We share the same class together, and somehow we sit next to each other.

"Of course, I have the honour to share the same class." He turns to face me, a mischievous smirk creeping up on his full lips. I wish I had his perfect shape of his lips. So round, full and most certainly soft. Okay, Okay Nessa stop this awful thinking! I snap out of my gaze and pretend to focus my attention on the trees we have in the garden.

"I was telling Nessa here that, you would accompany her and her friend to a party." He continues again and I wish I wasn't born.

"And that friend has a name! Which is skylar!" Sky quickly fires up. One thing I've learnt about being friends with Sky is that, you really don't want to get on her bad side. It's a mess.

"And who says that i agreed to play mummy for the night? I'm sure she is capable of looking after herself." He grabs a cold beer from the fridge and opens it with a bottle opener and takes two large swigs all in one go.

"I will pay you. Please Cay I just want her to be safe. I know you will look after her." Bryce pleads and negotiates with Cayden. After their bickering about how much my brother was going to pay him, they finally settled on £20. It's not much but we know that the money will be gone within five seconds anyway.

"Okay I will do it. But you owe me man, and I mean big time." He takes the £20 note and stuffs it in his black jean pocket.

"This is going to be a long night."

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