Chapter 14: The Forgetful Valley (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Even his wicked smile made her sick to the core.

"Just like I did to your precious boyfriend."

The dark forest located an hour's travel from Hira'a was too dense for Appa to enter so they resumed their journey on foot

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The dark forest located an hour's travel from Hira'a was too dense for Appa to enter so they resumed their journey on foot. Even at the edge of the forest, Aang could feel the strong spiritual energy emanating from the place.

"So, this must be it... The Forgetful Valley..."

"How did you know?" Sokka looked around, wary of any spirits lurking. "Are you detecting something with your special Avatar powers?"

"No. It just says so on the sign over there."


Chiyo stayed close to Zuko, a firm grip on his arm as they walked further into the forest. He noticed it and he slowed down his pace. "Is everything alright?" She nodded, yet he could feel her unease. "I won't let anything happen to you, Chiyo. I'll protect you."

"Ha! As if you can, Zuzu..." Azula interjected as she matched their pace, trailing behind the group. "If I clearly remember a year ago, it was she who protected you from me!"

He rolled his eyes and retorted. "Only because you decided to cheat in our Agni Kai and send the lightning to Katara."

"It was an Agni Kai for the throne! And winner takes it all. Besides, the only rule of Agni Kai is that whoever burns their opponent wins!"

"I was your opponent. Not Katara."

"Yet, I still managed to hit you with lightning! So, I won, fair and square!"

Chiyo had enough of their banter. "I swear to Agni you both need too—"

"Shh, Chiyo, quiet! I'm detecting something with my Avatar powers!" Aang clutched his face, feeling the physical reaction of his body towards the energy. "It's making me wanna go like... this." He showed his face to the rest of them. One eye wide, brows raised, crooked mouth, and a frustrated expression.

Katara grimaced at the face her boyfriend was making. "Sweetie, not with the faces again..."

"No, no... I think Aang is onto something!" From his wary glances all around the forest, Sokka spotted numerous patterns everywhere. "Check out this leaf!"

Indeed, the wide leaves of the towering tree had shadings that resembled a face. Even the markings on the animals' fur and tree barks had some sort of image imprinted into that of faces that stared right back at them.

"That giant flutter-bat over there, Aang!" Sokka pointed to the winged creature passing over their heads. "The patterns on its wings sort of look like the face you were making!"

"You're right!" Aang went ahead of the group, jumping from branch to vine to go after the flutter-bat despite Zuko's protests.

They all ran after Aang until they reached a break in the trees. There was pool of clear, water that reflected the sun's rays. No wind made ripples to disturb the surface, no insect or animal in sight to drink from it.

"I've never seen water so clear and still." Katara knelt by the edge of the pool, fascinated by the water's familiarity in the spiritual sense. "Like Tui and La's pool in the Northern Water Tribe..."

Azula didn't understand what was so special with the pool of water so out of curiosity, she leaned in to take a closer look.

Instead of her own reflection, she saw her mother's.

"You're going the wrong way, Azula. Turn back and find your true destiny."

"You again?! Don't you ever shut up?!" Azula zapped the pool with lightning, disturbing the tranquil surface, water flying high above their heads. She then turned to Aang, shaking with anger, blue fire in the form of daggers in her hands. "She told you to lead me here, didn't she?! So she could keep tormenting me with her lies!"

Zuko stepped forward, stopping Azula's advances. "That's enough, Azula."

"You're right, Zuko! It is enough!" Katara raised her hands, the water from the pool rising with her movements. "We've tried to put up with her but she's too dangerous!"

Just as she was about to send the wave to capture Azula, several sharp objects whizzed past them. One caught Katara's sleeves, causing a small tear in the cloth and distracting her. Fortunately, the others dodged easily.

The attack ceased for a moment and Katara bent down to pick up one of the weapons thrown at them. "Throwing stars made of... flowers?" Flowers that were cold to the touch. Then she realized, "Someone's bending the water in these flowers!"

"They're not just bending the flowers," Sokka too out his boomerang, letting it fly above Aang's head to stop the advancing vines. "They're bending the vines too!"

A vine wrapped itself around Chiyo's ankle, catching her off-guard and pulling her high off the ground. "HELP!!!"

Before Zuko could make a move to save her, Azula had already fired at the vine's length without so much as a second thought, killing it effectively.

But dropping Chiyo in the process.

She fell to the moss-covered forest floor. Intense pain shot over her left leg and she swore she heard and felt something snap. Jaw clenched, eyes scrunched closed in agony, and unable to move.

"CHIYO!" He never felt so helpless in his life. Had he not been distracted, had he been a few seconds faster than Azula... Zuko knelt on the ground and tried to move her to his lap, stopping when she screamed at the slightest movement of her lower body. "C-Chiyo..."

After the shock wore off, Katara regained her bearings and closed her eyes, focusing on her learnings. As if using extended senses, she felt the water inside the vines and gained control of it, stopping the attack of the vines by taking out the water from them. "Whoever you are, you're not the only one who can waterbend! You've hurt our friend, you coward! Show yourself!"

There was movement from behind the trees and Katara readied the water suspended in the air in case of another attack. But seeing those who attacked them made her drop the water back to the ground.

One was an old woman, graying hair fixed into two traditional braids, deep wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes prominent on her aged face.

Holding her hand was man wearing a make-shift wooden mask. Slowly, but surely, they approached the group.

What made Katara stop was the clothes they wore. Though tattered and torn in some places, dirtied by dirt and moss, she recognized where they have come from.

They were Water Tribe.

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