Chapter 20

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Hakeem's POV

It was past mid night already. We were still in the Coker Family house. I had texted Nadia that I might likely not come back to the house that night, briefing her on what was happening. Joel had gone home because his parents had called. Aisha and her parents were watching me. My last statement had taken them by surprise and every where was silent. Aisha spoke up after what felt like decades of silence.

"So, you are saying that the father of my supposed fiancé was the one that murdered my grand parents?" She asked, her tone filled with shock. I sighed, rubbing my hands together.

"Yes. The destruction of that empire was a planned one not an accident. When Muna Maduka found out that the gold has been sealed away, he decided to wipe out the town." I revealed.

"How do you know all these? Aisha's grand parents died when she was just four. You were also pretty young then if I am not mistaken." Her father stated and I nodded.

"All in due time, sir. My family and the Madukas go way back." I looked at Aisha and didn't miss the surprise in her eyes.

"My Father aided chief Maduka several times, especially when it comes to getting away with his atrocities. My father was his Lawyer and being a good one at that, they always win every case." I explained, gaining everyone's attention.

"They made a pact that no matter what happens, if they became enemies at some point, they would still not harm each other's family, till the last generation. Which brings me to what happened in Kaura_

My Father and his Father drifted apart mainly because Chief Maduka became too ambitious and power hungry. I over heard them one day, talking about a particular land filled with gold and how Muna wanted to acquire the gold for himself. My father warned him not to do any thing drastic but the following week we heard on the news of a fire outbreak in a town." I paused to catch my breath.

"Jesus." Her mum muttered. I continued.

"Munadike came over again to the house and confided in my father that he couldn't get the gold. He said his sources found out a bit too late that majority of the gold that was in the town had been mined and willed over to the granddaughter of the King and Queen of Kaura. That is, Aisha_

My father asked him to drop it but Munadike, being the selfish and evil man that he is, didn't. My father vowed to bring him to justice but has proven abortive till now." I concluded.

"Wait. So you knew about this all along?!" Aisha exclaimed. I quickly stood up.

"No!! Of course not. I didn't know you were the granddaughter until today." I replied in all honesty. "I didn't piece it together till now. Aisha, I'd never do that to you. I care about you." I defended myself. She burst into tears, falling to the floor. I craved more than anything to reach out to her and hold her in my arms but I couldn't.

"So, I was going to give my daughter out to the murderer family that killed my parents?! Ahh, nkan se mi! Mo daran. I'm in trouble." Her mum started to cry too. Her dad was deep in thought at the revelation.

"So, it means this marriage was planned from the beginning, since that bastard realized my daughter was the granddaughter of the people he killed. How come I didn't know this. I'm so confused on how I didn't realize these all along. Ahh." Femi sighed, dejected and sad.

"We tried reopening the case. We had a witness that was ready to testify against him, One of the men that he sent to do the job. But He was killed." Lola spoke for the first time in a while.

"That's why they need me so much. They want the gold. Emeka never loved me." Aisha sobbed. I didn't mind anymore. I walked up to her, crouched down to her level and pulled her to my arms. She wrapped her hands around me and sobbed on my chest. Her dad sat beside her mum to comfort her.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now