Merlin hated the waiting. Looking down the grassy slope of the field he could see Uther's men - men he had to kill, or be killed by. He remember that feeling like an ocean away to many hours on end: thousands of years in the making, waiting for the day the world he loved was around and waiting for the day that its over. The wind blew as the battle approached, a chill wind blowing down the hill from the sky distantly stormy in the early morning, darkly hued.

Arthur sat on his noble stead, Shadowdancer, and raised his voice high above the din of his army.

"My friends, my countrymen, Druids all, I thank you for today." he cried in a booming voice. "We are few, against the many of Uther's might, but we are mightier and I cherish each of you stood at my side today. Know all of you that if you cannot fight there shall be no revenge from my quarter, I grant anyone who wishes it free and safe passage now." No-one in the army moved, Arthur smiled to himself and continued his speech:

"But those who stay, know now that we shall prevail, there is no doubt and our names shall be regailed in tails of nobiity through all of Camelot's history. Children will sit on their parents' knees, in years to come, fire light a flickering and beg tales of our deeds this day, of Elyan, the loyal, Will the wily, Leon and Percival, the dependable and strong, Guienivere the clever, Lancelot the noble, Gwaine the glorious, other Gwaine, the baker... and Merlin. Merlin the magical." He took a breath, it having been taken away by the love shining with adoration in his husband's eyes.

"Today, we stand as one against a tyranny, and, friends, those of you who fight with me against my father shall be my brothers, my sisters and our family shall forge a future for Camelot, free her people and smite the evil that sits at its very heart. I was raised a simple blacksmith, and today I am humbled to be your leader. Today we fight. For Camelot! For freedom! For perpetuity." He raised his arm and the army raised a deafening din that could be heard across the village.

"For Camelot!" came the cry.

Merlin smiled, awestruck at his love, and whispered under his breath: "For Arthur."

From the lower end of the feild the mournful note of a horn sounded, and the army of camelot began their approach up the hill. It had begun.

A second trumpet sounded, and the villagers, druids, and knights: Arthurs's army, gave a raucous cheer as they charged into battle. The battle horses galloped down the hill. Hooves thundering and storming on the frozen sod in a barrage that screamed of destiny. With a wailing cry of steel on steel the two opposing forced met, swords and spears flashed in the sun and the ground quickly turned to mud beneath their feet as bodies fell and cries echoed into the distant mountains.

Elyan and Mordred each dodged the incoming wave of attackers, but each attempt was met by a strong counter. Elyan swung his sword, only for it to be parried in both instances. Mordred swung, only for it to be parried in both instances as well. The sound of loud metal clashing in a long-drawn duel filled the air as they fought. As he swept his sword around his weapon, killing two of the soldiers, a dying screams echoed through the clearing, the sound of which, even in the calamity of battle, was clearly audible.

Nearby, Leon twirled around. His sword was high and he thrust and parried at his opponate. He flashed the blade of his sword, cutting down the nearest soldier. Will saw another cry and pull out his weapon, lunging at Leon from behind as he faught. Giving a grunt, Will slammed his sword into the man, curving it up and ripping it from his body. As the curly haired knight slew his opponent he turned to Will with a grin and nodded his thanks

"I knew it was a good idea to teach you that move." he joked, before charging off at another group.

Merlin smiled and caught his breath, looking over the battlefield. He could see the druids, robes swirling around them as they took down man after man with only their hands, and others who had trained using the quarterstaff, al equally formidable. His eyes sought out Arthur unconsiously, his heart settling in reassured calm when he saw his husband leap from his horse to better attack a knight who was on the verge of overcoming one of the younger villagers.

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