Chapter 29

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Over some next days, Ealdor was busting with electric engery. The village was rushed of its feet to organise Gwen's and Lancelot's big day; though the celebrations themselves would be modest. Everyone provided what they could and chipping in together to make the ceremony meaningful.

As the big day dawned, cold and icy and sunny and beautifully, Gwen gazed in the mirror in her bridal tent, eyeing up her dress, when the door opened and interrupted her.

"It's only Me" Morgana said as Gwen whriled aroun, and broke her face into a smile when she saw her best friend enter.

Morgana wore a dress of shimmery Peach silk, a panel of a white gauzy chiffon ran along the top of the bodice and the skirt dripped to the earth in a gracius a-line interupted by neat pleats that made the skirt even bigger. An elegant braid weaved its way from the back of the dress to the front crossing over her waist befoere training down over hr skirts. Over The top part was pale while chiffon like clouds gathered in a delicate bunch across her shoulder, running down either arm in long trailing sleaves that flowed when she spoke.

The shear material wrapped around her delicate pale shoilders, which were free of her raven locks, which had been pulled back into an intricate up do for the occasion. Her violet eye sparkled from her ivory cheeks, and she had a deep ruby red colour on her lips.

"How are you feeing? She asked gently.

"Excited" Gwen thrilled with a beam.

"You look wonderful" Morgana guhed taking her hands to look at her dress in full. It was of simple white fabric embroidered all around the bottom with flowers and leaves, and in the centre a pair of swans with their necsk curved together in the shape of a heart. There was a wide blue sash around her waist and hanging down her front in the middle, and a wide neckline that went from shoulder to shouder. The sleevess were long and hanging almost down to the ground and fell over her hands.

Around her neck she wore a necklane of delicate metal that Arthur had made for her, and gave to her earlier in the day saying "it's not the best, I didn't have long. I'll fininsh it after..." he had trailed off "after." The future hung heavy over them, a black cloud. But it was not the day for such thoughts. Gwen had smiled at her brother, strength in her eyes.

"I love it Arthur" she had said "it's perfect."

"I feel wonderful" Gwen replied to Morgana. "Everyone has done such a good job in the decorating....the preperations....I don't know how to thank you al!"

"By being happy with your husband" Morgana smilled "As i believe you will be"

"For the rest of our lives....however long that may be." The happiness of Gwen's tone dove into worry as she contemplated Lancelot's risky role in the coming attack on Cemelot.

"No" Morgana shook her head fiercely "Today is not the day for such thoughts. It is your day, to celebrate your happiness and Lancelot's, both. Live in joy today, and tomorrow we will consider the future."

"Do you...." Gwen hesistated "Do you....See? Anything? you don't have to tell me, if you don't want. I just...can't help think about it."

"The future is closed to me. I'm sorry. There are other factors" Morgana intoned in a montone voice which was low and dark. She had gone elsewhere, pulled by the ethers of vision.

"No, no, that's fine, I'm sorry" Gwen protested, looking gown and shaking her head with a wave of her hands.

Then Tom come in, with a swing of the door, a clatter amd a broad smile.

"Are you read sweetheart?" he said, walking to his daughter and holding her hand with a gentle tug.

"Born ready" She said with a smile.

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